Last updated: Dec 8, 2009
Multi Language
John 8:1-11
Modern Languages
Italian / English 2-column format
Spanish / English 2-column format
French / English 2-column format
Russian / English 2-column format
German / English 2-column format
Dutch / English 2-column format
Amharic / English 2-column format
Swahili / English 2-column format
Chinese / English 2-column format
Japanese / English 2-column format
Classic Bible Languages UNICODE
Greek / English 2-column format
Greek / English interlinear
Hebrew / English 2-column format
Hebrew / English interlinear w. pronunc.
Latin / English 2-column format
Syriac / English interlinear
Syriac / English + transcription
Single Language Texts
Arabic John 7:53-8:12
Classic English Text nice large print!
Complete Gospels
Gospel of John UNICODE
Greek John Majority Text-type New!
Hebrew John Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew John Mishnaic Hebrew
Syriac John
Arabic John New!
Luke 7:35-50 now ready!
English/Other - more to come!
Hebrew / English interlinear
Extras odds and ends
KJV Word List - key word updates new!
The "Just War" Syndrome
- analysis: "Just War" theories
Hebrew Corner - special section new!
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