Research Links    

Last Updated: Mar 1, 2011


    MultiMedia on John 8:1-11 NEW!
    Interpretation and Commentary: Specific to John 8:1-11, & General
    Textual Criticism Specific to John 8:1-11, & General
    Texts and Manuscripts : online!
    NT MSS Analysis: Studies and Collations, etc.
    Help for Students : - and Researchers
    Current Events related to John 8:1-11

NEW! - MultiMedia on John 8:1-11

GOSPEL OF JOHN: 7:37-8:40 - includes John 8:1-11
Review of the Movie - 8:1-11 - with script, movie-stills!

JESUS OF NAZARETH: Jn 8:1-11 - from movie - new!

THE PASSION: 8:1-11 - Music Video: awesome!

UNDO what we've become - another Music Video on 8:1-11 - new!

Sin No More - Rebecca St. James - new!

JESUS Take the Wheel - Carrie Underwood, XIANS.COM - new!

AUDIO - John 8:1-11 - (English) Blue Letter Bible Online!

Video Commentary on John 8:1-11 - & Luke 18:9-14

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Interpretation and Commentary

Specific to John 8:1-11

Ken Collins on Jn 8:1-11 - 'Moral Outrage'
Dr. B.Jones on John 8:1-11 - Audio Sermon from Sermon Audio
Pink on John 8:1-11
Matthew Henry on John 8:1-11 from the Unbound Bible
Xenos CF on John 8:1-11
M.R. Payne on John 8:1-11 - told from the women's viewpoint
Answering Christianity on Jn 8:1-11 - a Muslim site...
Jesus or Muhammad? - comparison of doctrine includes John 8:1-11

Interpretation and Commentary: General - Johannine Studies ...* more links here! *
John & Revelation Dr. Warren A. Gage, Knox Theol. Seminary: - excellent!
Dr J. Dennis on John chapter 6 - excellent!
Divorce Hope Is divorce mandatory for Adultery? No!
Sexual Ethics Bibliography and Glossary

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Textual Criticism

Specific to John 8:1-11

New Reltech: Migne's Patrologiae Graecae - REQUIRES PASSWORD NOW
Pickering on John 8:1-11 - the case for Majority Text for John 8:1-11
F.N. Jones on John 8:1-11 - from 'Which Version?'
Text Crit ': Julian on John 8:1-11 - and statistical analysis techniques
Dr. Wieland Willker's Textual Commentary on Jn 8:1-11 - (this is a .pdf)
T. Wasserman (2002) on 'Family Patmos' (link) new!

Textual Criticism: General

NT - lots of stuff from Dr. Decker
JBL -Journal of Biblical Literature Resources Page + more links
Biblica (online) - from the Pontifical Biblical Institute
NT Gateway - Dr. Mark Goodacre - more great resources - M. Marlowe's Bible Research site
Tyndale House - Doorway: Articles - Religion Articles - Johannine Manuscripts ... more links

Biblical Studies on John from UK
The Identity of the NT Text (II) by W. Pickering (book online!)
Dr. T. Holland on Textual Criticism

Dr. Holland on 'Older and Better MSS'
Pickering on 'Oldest and Best MSS'
C.J. Carter: 'Oldest and Best Manuscripts?'
Debate on Byzantine Text-Type - T. Warner & J. Snapp Jr.

The Denver Seminary Journal - C.L. Blomberg and friends

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Texts and Manuscripts Online

Critical NT Texts

Nestle-Aland Greek NT (NA-26) - Parsed Online
Nestle-Aland Greek NT (NA-26) - 2nd source
MSS & TC Apparatus with search and compare utils!
TR Greek NT - Unicode: Bible

NOTICE: ZHubert Greek NT Project has been taken offline:(as of Aug, 2009) Click here for info: Germans Try to Own Greek NT! - discussion here

NT Manuscripts Online!

Codex Sinaiticus - The new Online Hi Res project
Center for the Study of NT MSS - great new photos online
Biblical MSS Project -
Oxford Papyrology - Oxyrhynchus/ Herculaeum sites
The Schoyen Collection - Egyptian/Byzantine MSS
APIS - UM The Advanced Papyr. Information System!
Duke Papyrus Archive - Early Christianity & Cultural docs
The Goodspeed NT MSS Collection - Archaic Mark
Vivarium: Hill MSS Library - miscellaneous, MSS Ge'ez Gospels etc.
Tebtunis Papyri Center - ancient papyrii
Bodleian Library - Oxford University
INTF Munster U: Digital NT MSS MSS photos & resources
John Rylands U. Papyrii - huge digital collection
Online Photos of Sinaiticus: - from CSNTM.ORG

NEW! - LATIN Manuscripts online!

Latin Gospel Manuscripts - online links: color photos!

St. Gallen, Cod. Sang. 60: 8th cent. (c. 800) John
St. Gallen, Cod. Sang. 75: 8th cent. (c. 800) Full Bible

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NT MSS Analysis & Related Links!

NT MSS List #1-500 - MSS descriptions+ from
John Lydgate Project - Medieval MSS links
Stemmatic List for Galations - Stephen Carlson
Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies - online articles!
K.C. Hanson Greek Collection - texts and xlations

Codex B and its Allies: Part I Hoskier (1914), free! Download
Codex B and its Allies: Part II Hoskier (1914)
Codex Sinaiticus: Scrivener's Collation (1852) (.pdf)
Codex Augiensis: Scrivener's Collation (1859) (.pdf)
Jerome and Sinaiticus Streeter on the Vulgate

Textual Criticism Forums:

TC-List - the original TC-List on Yahoo
textualcriticism - Mr. Willker's TC forum on Yahoo
TC-Alternate-list - a forum allowing theological discussion also
bible_research - Mr. Marlowe's forum on Yahoo

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Help for Students and Researchers

Articles providing a Background for the Bible and T.C.

Article on General Textual Criticism
Non-Biblical Textual Criticism
Explanation of Types of Biblical Criticism
Assistance for Students Writing Papers

Guides to Special Symbols and Abbreviations for TC

Introduction to Critical Apparatuses
Short List of Abbreviations for NT Editions
Latin Abbreviations in Critical Texts
Abbreviations for Use in TC Articles, from TC Journal
Encyclopedia of NT Textual Criticism

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