Authors List for John 8:1-11

(exerpted/reviewed onsite)

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Last updated: March 26, 2009

Quick Author Index
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Name (A-B-C)Date Category
Abbott, T. K. 1877 Textual Evid.
Aland, K 1960 Reconstruct.
Alford, H. B. 1863 Opponents
Allen, C. L. 1953 Interpretation
Anderson, P. 2001 Internal Evid.
Barclay, W. 1956 Textual Evid.
Bauer, W. 1957 Internal Evid.
Becker, U. 1965 Opponents
Bengel, J. A. 1734 Reconstruct.
Bewer, J. 1900 Patristic Evid.
Billings, B. 2006 Textual Evid.
Bloomfield, S. T. 1826 Textual Evid.
Brown, R. E. 1966 Textual Evid.
Bultmann, R. 1941 Internal Evid.
Burge, G. 1984 Opponents
Burgon, John 1896 Textual Evid.
Bushnell, C. 1925 Textual Evid.
Cadbury, H.J. 1917 Internal Evid.
Carson, D. A. 2002 Opponents
Culpepper, R. A. 1998 Internal Evid.
Name (D-E-F-G)Date Category
Davidson, S. A. 1848 Opponents
Dykes, G. S. 2009 Textual Evid.
Ehrman, B. 2006 Opponents
Farstad, A. L. 1985 Reconstruct.
Fowler, R. 1982 Internal Evid.
Glass, M. 2006 Interpretation
Godet, F. L. 1864 Textual Evid.
Grant, R.M. 1963 Internal Evid.
Gwynn, J. 1909 Reconstruct.
Name (H-I-J-K)Date Category
Harnack, A. 1897 Textual Evid.
Harris, R. 1891 Textual Evid.
Harris, W. 2001 Opponents
Heard, R. 1950 Internal Evid.
Heil, J.P. 1993 Internal Evid.
Hills, E.F. 1984 Textual Evid.
Hodges, Z. 1979 Textual Evid.
Hort, F.J.A. 1881 Opponents
Horne, T. H. 1856 Textual Evid.
Jackson, H.L. 1918 Internal Evid.
Jackson, W. 1999 Interpretation
Jones, F. N. 1999 Textual Evid.
Keith, C. 2008 Textual Evid.
Kelly, W. 1888 Textual Evid.
Kenyon, Sir F. 1948 Textual Evid.
Koehler, W. 1953 Textual Evid.
Name (L-M-N-O-P)Date Category
Lewis, A. S. 1899 Textual Evid.
Lewis, C. S. 1950 Textual Evid.
Lightfoot, J. 1675 Interpretation
Metzger, B. 1971 Opponents
Miller, E. 1897 Textual Evid.
Nestle, E. 1904 Reconstruct.
Nolan, Dr. F. 1865 Textual Evid.
Nunn, H.V.P. 1945 Patristic Evid.
Petersen, W.L. 1997 Textual Evid.
Pink, A. 1940 Internal Evid.
Name (Q-R-S-T)Date Category
Robertson, A.T. 1932 Internal Evid.
Robinson, M. 2005 Textual Evid.
Rogers, C. L. 1998 Internal Evid.
Schneider, M. 1997 Internal Evid.
Scholz, M. 1830 Reconstruct.
Scott, J. 2000 Internal Evid.
Scrivener, F.H.A. 1894 Textual Evid.
Streeter, B. H. 1930 Opponents
Stuart, M. 1836 Textual Evid.
Tischendorf, C. 1869 Reconstruct.
Tregelles, S.P. 1854 Opponents
Trollope, W. 1842 Textual Evid.
Turner, N. 1972 Internal Evid.
Name (U-Z)Date Category
von Soden, H. 1911 Reconstruct.
Wagner, S. 2002 Opponents
Wikgren, P. 1934 Reconstruct.
Wilson, A. W. 2007 Internal Evid.


Last updated: March 26, 2007
(update: coming soon)


Anderson, Paul (2001)
Mark, John, and Answerability:
Aspects of Interfluentiality Between the Second and Fourth Gospels,

SBL Annual Meeting, Nov 17, 2001
Anderson's Two Edition Theory for John's Gospel (a review)


Burge, Gary (1984)
A Specific Problem in the NT Text and Canon:
The Woman Caught in Adultery (John 7:53-8:11),

JETS 27/2 (June 84) pp.141-148
Burge on John 8:1-11 (exerpt and review)

Burgon, John (1896)
The Causes of Corruption of the Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels
ed. Edward Miller (1896, London - George Bell and Sons)
Appendix 1: Pericope de Adultera pp. 232-265
Burgon on John 8:1-11 (exerpted with footnotes)

Bushnell, Catharine (1925)
GOD'S WORD TO WOMEN (1925, reprinted 1943, 2005)
100 Bible Studies on Woman's Place in the Divine Economy
(online at
Bushnell on John 8:1-11 (exerpted)


Cadbury, H.J., (1917)
A Possible Case of Lukan Authorship (Jn 7:53-8:11)
(Harvard Theological Review, Vol. 10, No.3 pg 237-244)
Cadbury on John 8:1-11 (exerpted for review purposes)

Culpepper, R. A. (1998)
The Gospel and Letters of John
(1998, Abingdon Press)
Culpepper on John 8:1-11 (exerpted and reviewed)


Davidson, Samuel (1848):
An Introduction to the New Testament, Vol. I. The Four Gospels
(1848, London - Samuel Bagster and Sons)
Davidson on John 8:1-11 Pt. 1: Textual Evid. (annotated)
Davidson on John 8:1-11 Pt. 2: Internal Evid. (annotated)


Ehrman, Bart (2006)
Public Radio Interview, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report
Ehrman on John 8:1-11 (propaganda analyzed)


Farstad, A. L. (1985) (Z.C. Hodges, A.L. Farstad,Editors, )
The Greek NT According to the Majority Text, (2nd ed. 1985, Thomas Nelson)
Hodges & Farstad on John 8:1-11 (exerpt and review from introduction)


Glass, Michael (2006)
Taken in Adultery (published by author)
Glass on John 8:1-11 (commentary)

Grant, R.M. (1963)
A Historical Introduction to the NT Pt 2, ch.11 The Gospel of John
(Cox & Wyman Ltd. London, 1963)
Grant on John 8:1-11 (exerpted and reviewed)


Harris, W., (2001)
Exegetical Commentary on John 8
(Aug 30 2006 from " )
Harris on John 8:1-11 (exerpted with review)
(See also NETBIBLE on John 8:1-11)

Heil, J.P., (1993)
The Story of Jesus and the Adulteress (John 7,53-8,11) Reconsidered
(Biblica 72 (1991): pg 182-191)
Heil on John 8:1-11 (exerpted with rejoinder)

Hills, E.F., (1984)
The King James Version Defended, 4th edition
(Des Moines: Christian Research Press, 1984)
Hills on John 8:1-11 (exerpted)

Hodges, Zane (1979)
Problem Passages in the Gospel of John Part 8:
The Woman taken in Adultery (John 7: 53- 8:11) : The Text

(BSac 136 (1979) 318-332)
Hodges on John 8:1-11 (exerpted & reviewed)
See also Farstad, A. L. (1985)

Hort, F.J.A., (1881)
The New Testament in the Original Greek, 1881
(revised & expanded 1896)
Hort on John 8:1-11 Pt 1: Evid. for authenticity (annotated)
Hort on John 8:1-11 Pt 3: Overview from Introduction (annotated)



Jackson, H.L. (1918)
The Problem of the Fourth Gospel Ch.7, Literary Structure
(Cambridge UP, 1918)
Jackson on John 8:1-11 (exerpted for review)

Jackson, Wayne (1999)
The Current Perversion of John 8:1-11
Jackson on John 8:1-11 (commentary)



Lightfoot, J (1602-1675)
A Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Hebraica
(online at
Lightfoot on John 8:1-11 (exerpted)


Metzger, Bris (1971)
A Terrible Commentary on the Greek New Testament
(1971, 4th ed. rev. 1994)
Metzger on John 8:1-11 (exerpt with review)


Nolan, Dr. F.(1865)
Nolan on John 8:1-11 (exerpted)

Nunn, H.V.P. (1945)
The Fourth Gospel: An Outline of the Problem and Evid. (1945)
Nunn on John: Patristic Evid. (exerpted)



Petersen, W.L., (1997)
The Protevangelium Iacobi, and the History of the Pericope Adulterae

(Sayings of Jesus: Canonical & Non-Canonical,
Essays in honour of Tjitze Barrda, Ed. Petersen, Vos, Jonge {1997,Brill} )
Review: Petersen on John 8:1-11 (reviewed)



Robertson, A.T. (1932)
Word Pictures of the NT
A.T. Robertson on John 8:1-11 (reviewed)

Robinson, Maurice (2005) (Robinson, Pierpont, Editors)
The New Testament in the Original Greek (2005 ed., Chilton Pub.)
Robinson - Pierpont on John 8:1-11 (exerpt and review)

Rogers, C. L. (Jr., & III) (1998)
The New LINGUISTIC and EXEGETICAL key to the Greek NT,
(Zondervan, 1998)
Rogers & Rogers on John 8:1-11 (exerpt & review)


Scrivener, F.H.A., (1894)
A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament
(4th Ed., Edited by Edward Miller, pg 364-368 )
Scrivener on John 8:1-11 (exerpted)

Streeter, B. H., (1930)
The Four Gospels, (1924, rev.1930, MacMillan)
Streeter on John 8:1-11 (exerpted and reviewed)


Tregelles, S.P., (1854)
An Account of the Printed Text of the Greek New Testament
(London, 1854)
Tregelles on John 8:1-11 (exerpted with review)




Wagner, Sarah (2002)
Textual Criticism and the Adulterae Pericope (self-published)
Wagner on John 8:1-11 (exerpt with review)

Wikgren, Paul (1934)
The Lectionary Text of the Pericope, John 8:1-11,
University of Chicago,
Wikgren on John 8:1-11 (exerpt)

Wilson, Andrew (2007)
New Testament Textual Criticism - Science, Art or Religion?
(online - copyrighted by author)
Wilson on John 8:1-11 (link to online book)