Excerpt from: Latin Resource List, http://arts-itsee.bham.ac.uk/itseeweb/iohannes/vetuslatina/index.html, (2009)
As of edition 1.5, we have been able to include images of manuscripts 04, 27, 47 and 48 alongside the transcription in page view, by kind permission of the holding institutions. We would be delighted to host images of the other witnesses, and encourage libraries and archives to contact us if they are interested in making these available.
Sample images of certain manuscripts can be seen on the Old Latin manuscripts page at www.vetuslatina.org.
2 Codex Palatinus, e
Trento, Museo Nazionale (Castello del Buon Consiglio s.n.). Copied in the fifth century, probably in Italy. Lacunose in John 18:12-25
Transcribed initially from plates, which were verified in uncertain places by an inspection of the manuscript in Trento in July, 2005. The transcription was then compared with the edition of Tischendorf:
C. Tischendorf, Evangelium Palatinum ineditum Leipzig, 1847.
(A list of differences is provided here.)
Hanging lines and height of initial capitals are included. The length of intralinear spaces is noted on the transcript as is the use of rubrication.3 Codex Vercellensis, a
Vercelli, Archivio Capitolare Eusebiano s.n.. Copied in the second half of fourth century, probably in Vercelli.
The transcription is based on the edition of Gasquet:
Gasquet, A.F. (ed.) Codex Vercellensis. (Collectanea Biblica Latina 3). Rome 1914.
It has been possible to correct a number of errors in Gasquet on the basis of black and white plates. A full list of differences is provided here.
Gasquet distinguishes between readings no longer visible but presented in the two earlier editions of the manuscript by Irico and Bianchini, and text supplied by Gasquet himself. As in his edition, the former is indicated by italic type (in blue, to indicate the work of previous editors), and the latter by italic type within square brackets. Gasquet records differences between Irico and Bianchini, which are supplied in notes to our transcription.4 Codex Veronensis, b
Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare VI. Copied in the second half of fifth century, probably in Verona. Lacunose in 7:44-8:12
Transcribed initially from black and white plates and subsequently from colour digital images, the whole being verified by an inspection of the manuscript in Verona in October, 2005. In addition, our transcription was collated against that of Buchanan.
Buchanan, E.S. (ed.) The Four Gospels from the Codex Veronensis b.(Oxford Old Latin Biblical Texts 6). Oxford 1911.
This manuscript distinguishes between the abbreviation of nasals: n is indicated by a superline, while m is represented by a superline which has a dot above it. This distinction has been preserved. Running titles have been transcribed where extant, but smaller numbers in the margin indicating sections have not been included. Each paragraph begins with a horizontal gold line, which is represented by ¶. Quotations are indented by a diple, represented by ›.
Images of Codex Veronensis (04) were taken by Roberto Favalli in Verona in 2003, and are included by permission of the Biblioteca Capitolare in Verona.5 Codex Bezae, d
Cambridge, University Library Nn. II. 41. Copied around 400, probably in Beirut. Lacunose in 1:1-3:16 and 18:2-20:1
Transcribed from black and white plates and from the facsimile edition, with details on the correctors added from David Parker's manuscript and published notes.
D.C. Parker, Codex Bezae. An Early Christian Manuscript and its Text, Cambridge, 1992.
There are several correctors of the Latin column of John, shown with Harris' indicators as revised by Parker:
G c.400
Running titles and hanging lines are indicated, together with right-justified text. It should be noted that the abbreviations for nomina sacra are often unique to this manuscript.
A early fifth century
C early fifth century
J1 second half of fifth century
K various undatable corrections
s.m. secunda manu6 Codex Colbertinus, c
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale lat. 254. Copied in the twelfth century in Southern France.
Transcribed from black and white plates. The edition of Vogels was occasionally consulted:H.J. Vogels, Evangelium Colbertinum, Bonner biblische Beiträge 4. Bonn 1953.
A full list of differences between our transcription and that of Vogels, based on the images available to us, is provided here. Most involve punctuation or capitalisation.
This manuscript has many abbreviations. The majority of these have been silently expanded although the following should be noted: the ampersand is transcribed as e(t), relatives are transcribed as q(uo)d and dative plurals as quib(us). The bar ¬ represents n, m, or (in the case of third-person plural verbs) nt; q¬ has been transcribed as quae, although elsewhere this indicates que. Hanging lines, rubrication and right-justified text have been indicated although running titles are not included. It should be noted that this manuscript includes chapter numbers and an opening capitula list. The variety of punctuation in this witness, including question marks, has been recorded in the transcription.8 Codex Corbeiensis, ff2
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale lat. 17225. Copied in the fifth century, in Italy. Lacunose in 17:16-18:9, 20:23-21:8
Transcribed from black and white plates. A digitised version ordered from the holding library was found to be of inferior clarity. Buchanan's edition was also consulted, although his identification of correctors has not been included in the tags:
Buchanan, E.S. (ed.) The Four Gospels from the Codex Corbeiensis (Oxford Old Latin Biblical Texts 5). Oxford 1907.
A brief survey of Belsheim's edition brought to light numerous inaccuracies.
The manuscript has been heavily corrected by more than one later hand. The use of the '7'-shape for 'et' by a corrector has been indicated by (et). Words and phrases are deleted by underlining, underdotting, and by replacements written above. Ink colour and spacing indicates that most if not all punctuation has been added by correctors and it has therefore not usually been recorded: the exceptions usually involve dots after numerals and nomina sacra, which may be first hand. Similarly, the tails on most of the e caudatae are clearly secondary. One corrector has replaced some final superlines with the letter 'n' (but reinforced those for 'm', e.g. John 3:26). Sometimes a superline stands for 'nt' (e.g. 12:2, 19:40, 21:8). The first hand also displays some confusion between 'm' and 'nt' (e.g. 15:7, 15:21), and has a habit of omitting single letters (e.g. 't' in 15:8) and other unusual orthography (e.g. 'misitset' in 13:2 and 'intinxitset' in 13:26). Ligatures (usually at the end of the line with 'u' as the first of two letters) have been recorded in the transcription but are not currently indicated. The ligatures, column layout, and certain nomina sacra are very similar to Codex Palatinus (2). The initial list of capitula has been included, as have chapter numbers within the body of the text.10 Codex Brixianus, f
Brescia, Biblioteca civica Queriniana s.n.. Copied in the sixth century in North Italy, possibly Ravenna.
Transcribed from black and white plates, supplemented by consultation of the manuscript in Brescia in June 2004.
Hanging lines are recorded.11 Codex Rehdigeranus, l
Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz Depot Breslau 5. Copied in the first half of eighth century in North Italy (Aquileia). Lacunose in 1:1-1:16, 6:32-61, 11:56-12:10, 13:34-14:22, 15:3-15, 16:13-21:25
Transcribed from black and white plates, and then compared against the edition of Vogels:
Vogels, H.J. (ed.) Codex Rehdigeranus (Collectanea Biblica Latina 2), Rome 1913.
A list of differences from Vogels is provided here.
Hanging lines are recorded. Ammonian sections are indicated within brackets in pink. Chapters within John itself are indicated in the usual fashion. There are many lengthy corrections to this manuscript, often in the margin.11A Würzburg Univ. 67
Würzburg Universitätsbibliothek M.p.th.f. 67. Copied around 800, possibly in Brittany. Manuscript contains John 1:1-18:35
Transcribed from digitized microfilm. For its identification as an Old Latin witness, see H.A.G. Houghton, "A Newly-Identified Old Latin Gospel Manuscript: Würzburg Universitätsbibliothek M.p.th.f. 67" Journal of Theological Studies n.s. 60 (2009) 1-21.
The transcription includes lineation, letter size, abbreviations and digraphs (although the latter are currently displayed as two letters). Interpunction, which becomes less frequent during the course of the Gospel, has not been included. There are two forms of the letter u, one more like a v or y, which have not been distinguished. There is some inconsistency in the abbreviations: 'eius' can appear as 'ei(u)s', 'ei(us)' or 'eius', and autem as 'au(tem)', 'aut(em)' or 'aute(m)'. 'est' is usually abbreviated to 'e(st)', and is normally divided from 'pot' in 'potest'. 'dix' can be an abbreviation for 'dixi' or 'dixit'.
The word division through interpunction is sometimes idiosyncratic, and there are numerous instances of single letters being left at the beginning or end of a line: this syllabification has been taken as an indiciation of the Breton origin of the manuscript. There are a few corrections, but many errors, especially of omission due to eyeskip, have not been corrected. The quality of the digitized microfilm means that it is not always possible to discern whether letters have been erased.13 Codex Monacensis, q
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Clm 6224. Copied in the sixth or seventh century, in Illyria or Italy. Lacunose in John 10:11-12:28, 21:9-17, 18-20
Transcribed from black and white plates.
Hanging lines are recorded. An indication is also given of decorations, usually in footnotes, although hederae are displayed in the text.14 Codex Usserianus primus, r1
Dublin, Trinity College 55. Copied around 600 in Ireland. Lacunose in 1:1-15
Transcribed initially from black and white plates, and thoroughly revised from high quality colour digital images obtained in 2006-7. The digital images enable far more text to be seen around the edges of the codex, including words printed by Jülicher in brackets. However, the extent of text visible is usually less than that seen by Abbott in 1884. Three types of reading are therefore indicated: text currently visible in the manuscript, text visible to Abbott, and reconstructions of words of which at least one letter survives.
Abbott, T.K. Evangeliorum versio antehieronymiana ex codice Usseriano (Dublinensi) adiecta collatione codicis Usseriani alterius, Dublin 1884.
A list of differences between our transcription and that of Abbott, including a number of corrections, is provided here.
Text derived from Abbott is printed in light blue italics. Punctuation is recorded, including the size of spaces. The distinction between commas and other punctuation has been taken over from Abbott. Chapters are indicated by a line of rubricated text, printed in a different typeface by Abbott. This is often illegible on the current images.15 Codex Aureus, aur
Stockholm, Kungliga Bibliotheket A.135. Copied in 775-800 in Canterbury. Complete
Transcribed from black and white plates.
All abbreviations and punctuation recorded. Alternating white and purple parchment leaves (with one exception towards the end of the Gospel); ink in black and silver correspondingly. There are decorative patterns of text on some of the purple pages; these were planned in advance, and the copyist has accommodated the characters to fit. Rubricated text which is part of these patterns has not been recorded. The demands of the pattern have sometimes led to the duplication or omission of characters. Unusual character combinations (such as the following letter written inside the bow of a 'D') in order to save space have not usually been recorded.
Running titles are only present on certain purple pages and were apparently added later (as have some of the chapter numbers). At the bottom of most columns, the conclusion of the word, or a group of words, are written in smaller font and centre- or right-justified. This may have been in order to replicate the column layout in the exemplar.
Nomina sacra are always marked in some way, including rubrication, the addition of a cross and the drawing of a box around the word (or any combination of these). Words such as 'mater' and 'maria' are also rubricated. Crosses added for lectionary purposes have not been transcribed. Some of the corrections are later, others by the first hand (e.g. 13:3)16 Codex Sangallensis, n
Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek 1394. Copied in the fifth century in Italy. Contains only 19:13-17, 24-42
Transcribed from black and white plates with the assistance of the following editions:
Wordsworth, J., Sanday, W. and White, H.J., Portions of the Gospels according to St Mark and St Matthew. (Oxford Old Latin Biblical Texts 2). Oxford 1886.
Although these editors agree on the readings of the extant part of Folio 10, they differ in the restoration. Our edition has followed Fischer's reconstruction, while supplying the differences between the editions as footnotes. It should also be noted that while White regularly finds the first 1-3 letters illegible on the left hand side of Folio 11, they are quite clear in the plates; it seems they were still folded over when White consulted the manuscript, but have subsequently been flattened. White was, however, better placed than the present editors to judge the relative antiquity of hands and correctors, and we also reproduce his transcription of the High German glosses as a footnote.
Fischer, B.18 Fragmenta Weingartensia, π
Darmstadt 895, Donaueschingen 192 and 193 and Stuttgart H.B. VI 114, VII 29 and XIV 15. Copied in the seventh century in North Italy. Contains only 3:34-36, 6:39-41, 7:24-38, 9:22-32, 11:19-21, 11:26-27, 11: 38-48, 20:25-30
The fragments of this palimpest, in which John is the primary text, come from the bindings of the manuscripts listed above. Our transcription reproduces the edition of A. Dold, Konstanzer altlateinische Propheten- und Evangelienbruchstücke mit Glossen (Texte und Arbeiten 7-9), Beuron, 1923, 194-224, with the exception that we only provide reconstructed text for a line in which there is at least one letter extant, on the grounds that it is misleading to provide text for several or more lines which are completely missing.
Dold identifies some further letters which may be from Johannine lections. Dold's caveat also applies: 'Die grossen Textausfüllungen (z. B. auf Bl. 3, 4, 6, 10, 13, 19) verfolgen nicht den Zweck, den alten Text wiederherzustellen, sie dienen vielmehr lediglich dazu, die wenigen von manchem Seiten noch erhaltenen Textworte in das 17 zeilige Beschriftungssystem vollständiger Seiten einzugliedern und dadurch sowohl die Anlage des Perikopenbuches als vor allem die Ordnung der einzelnen Perikopen zu erhärten.'20 Fragmentum Sangallense, p
Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek 1395. Copied in the eighth century in Ireland. Contains 11:14-44
Transcribed from black and white plates. Some reference has been made to Jülicher and to Oxford Old Latin Biblical Texts 2 for confirmation of readings.
All punctuation is transcribed as a simple full stop. Modern word division has been maintained - 'in' is usually attached to the following word.22 Codex Sarzanensis, j, z
Sarrezano bei Tortona, Chiesa s.n.. Copied at beginning of sixth century in North Italy. The first section contains 1:8-4:29, 5:3-20, 5:29-7:45, 8:6-11:1, 11:12-34. The second contains parts of John 18:36-19:17 and 19:31-20:14.
This witness consists of two sections, probably from two different manuscripts, but bound together in antiquity. Its very poor quality of preservation has made it impossible for us to improve on the existing editions. Our transcription is based on G. Godu, Codex Sarzanensis. Fragments d'ancienne version latine du quatrième Evangile (Spicilegium Casinense 2), Monte Cassino, 1936.
For the first section, we have also used N. Ghiglione, L'evangeliario purpureo di Sarezzano (sec. V/VI) (Fontes Ambrosiani 75), Vicenza, 1984. This volume contains transcriptions of certain pages, and we have consulted it in the following places: F 15v; F 17v; F 18r; F 18v; F 19r; F 19v; F 28r; F 29r; F 30r; F 30v; F 32r; F 33v; F 35v; F 41v; F 42v; F 43v.
Generally the difference is that Ghiglione could only read as dubious letters which were clear to Godu, and we have not recorded these places. At F30v, Col.2, l. 1, Ghiglione tentatively reads the i in quia. We have recorded this as dubious.
The edition of G. Amelli, Un antichissimo codice biblico latino purpureo conservato nella chiesa di Sarezzano presso Tortona. Dissertazione critico-storica con note illustrative, Milan, 1872 records text not visible to Godu, who printed it in italics. It is indicated here by the use of light blue text in italics.
Godu reconstructed absent text by using H.J. Vogels, with adjustments where available space required something different. We have generally followed this, except that1. we sometimes differ in our view on the text which would best fit the space.
2. we only provide reconstructed text for a line in which there is at least one letter extant, on the grounds that it is misleading to provide text for several or more lines which are completely missing. An exception is that we reconstruct partially extant words, and where a line begins and ends with such a word, text is supplied between them (cf. the line ae denuo in at 3.4, F 13v, Col. 2, l. 13).23 Fragmentum Aberdonense
Aberdeen, University Library Papyrus 2a. Copied in the fifth century; found in Egypt. Contains 7:27-28, 7:30-31
Transcribed from the manuscript by P.J. Williams of Aberdeen University. The marginal section numbers were confirmed by D.C. Parker from the manuscript.
We differ from the editio princeps of E.O. Winstedt, Classical Quarterly 1.4 (1907) 266, by not including his conjectural addition of 'IHS' in John 7:28, as this is not required by the space remaining. As a result, the text of this witness is identical to the Stuttgart Vulgate; the full Eusebian Apparatus supports this Vulgate affiliation.24 Fragmentum Milanense, ρ
Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana M. 12 sup. p. 119-122.. Copied around 700 in South France. Contains 13:3-17
The transcription of this palimpsest was produced from photographs, using A. Dold, Das Sakramentar im Schabcodex M 12 sup. der Biblioteca Ambrosiana (Texte und Arbeiten 43), Beuron, 1952, 25*. The photographs are useless for the middle pages. They do confirm Dold in Folio 1r and in 2v (only partially in lines 10-11).
Dold appears to record the superlines with the letter intended in a different font. We are reluctant to confirm some of his enlarged letters, so none are included apart from the first line of v. 3.25 Folium Vindobonense, v
Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek lat 502 fol. II. Copied in the sixth or seventh century in North Italy or France. Contains 19:27-20:11
Transcribed from black and white plates.27 Codex Interlinearis Sangallensis, δ
Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek 48. Copied in 960/970 in St. Gall. Lacunose in 19:17-35
Transcribed from black and white plates. The Latin version is written above a Greek text, which is available as witness 037 in the IGNTP edition of the Majuscule manuscripts of John.
Abbreviations have been recorded (and expanded in brackets) except the symbols for 'est', 'uel', 'autem' and 'enim'. 'u' is sometimes added above the line, possibly by the first hand. This has been rendered as (u).
On some occasions where two Latin alternatives are given for one Greek word (usually separated by 'uel'), only the ending is given for the second word: the rest of the word is supplied as for an abbreviation.
This manuscript also contains a number of glosses: some supply missing words, others make grammatical observations on the Greek.
The Gospel begins with a list of capitula in Greek, which have been partially translated, and these titles are also found in the text: both are included in the transcription.
Images of this manuscript are provided in page view by a direct link to the e-codices Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland, by kind permission of the Stiftsbibliothek St Gallen.28 Codex Usserianus secundus, r2
Dublin, Trinity College 56. Copied around 800 in Ireland. Contains 5:12-10:3
Transcribed from black and white negative plates. The transcription has been compared with the collation of Abbott (see 14 above) and the edition of Hoskier, and differences are recorded as footnotes.
Hoskier, H.C. The text of Codex Usserianus 2. r2. ("Garland of Howth") with critical notes to supplement and correct the collation of the late T.K. Abbott, London 1919.
Lacunae are normally indicated by the number of characters missing. The manuscript uses a number of abbreviations, including those for 'autem', 'est', 'enim', 'dixit', 'respondit' and so on. These words have all been transcribed in full, although nasal bars have been recorded.29 Codex Sangermanensis secundus g2
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale lat. 13169. Copied in the tenth century in Brittany.
Transcribed from black and white plates.
Running titles, abbreviations and most punctuation have been included, although punctuation added by a later hand in certain pericopes, probably for liturgical reading, has not been transcribed. The initial list of capitula has also been transcribed.
This manuscript includes a number of lectionary indications in the body of the text in the first hand, including the formulaic introduction to liturgical readings. The displaced gospel text has sometimes also been included by the first hand. The first hand also includes a few alternative readings introduced by the abbreviation for 'uel' and written above the line.
There is inconsistency in the abbreviations (e.g. 'e(st)' indicates a single 'e', but '(est)' is the division sign). There is also much inaccuracy in the copying.30 Codex Gatianus, gat
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale nouv. acq. lat. 1587. Copied around 800 in Brittany.
Transcribed from black and white plates.
This manuscript is written in a neat, even script, well preserved and fairly well legible from photos. The transcription includes page breaks, line breaks, running titles, punctuation, capitalisation, rubrication (where discernable) and all abbreviations. The ampersand is rendered by 'e(t)', and the common symbols for certain words by 'a(utem)', 'e(st)' and 'e(nim)'. Although words are normally separated, there are some instances in which proclitic prepositions and et are attached (e.g. delumine, apatre): these have not been recorded.32 Lectionarium Gallicanum
Wolfenbüttel, Herzog-August-Bibliothek, Weissenburg 76. Copied first half of sixth century, possibly in Clermont-Ferrand.
The lectionary is the primary text of this palimpsest, and has been transcribed from:
A. Dold, Das älteste Liturgiebuch der lateinischen Kirche. Ein altgallikanisches Lektionar des 5./6. Jhs aus dem Wolfenbütteler Palimpsest-Codex Weissenburgensis 76. (Texte und Arbeiten 26-28) Beuron 1936.
Only texts from John have been included: some of these are complete lections, whereas others are individual verses extracted from readings composed of verses from all four Gospels. The pagination follows Dold's reconstruction of the quires of the primary text: the current pagination of the manuscript is provided in a footnote at the top of each page.
The display of this manuscript in Chapter View follows the sequence of the lectionary. Verses which appear in more than one lection are not displayed in Chapter View or in the Synopsis after the initial occurrence, but they may be seen in Page View.
Text italicized by Dold has been tagged as reconstruction. Dold's punctuation and capitalisation have been reproduced exactly. Letters in smaller type (usually final 'm') have been treated as abbreviations.33 Codex Carnotensis
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale lat. 10439. Copied in the sixth century in Italy. Lacunose in 6:42-57 and 21:7-24.
This manuscript has been transcribed from black and white photographs. An image of folio 78v-79r (John 6:26-28) has yet to be acquired.
This tiny manuscript of John, perhaps used as an amulet, was found in a reliquary in Chartres in 1712. It has an Old Latin text in John 1-6. Many pages are in a poor state of preservation. Our edition is, we believe, the first full transcription of this witness.
The bulk of the manuscript appears to be written by the same hand, but folios 1-4 and 63 are by a much less regular hand (more difficult to read and with non-standard orthography), and do not use the full extent of the parchment. Folios 192 and 195 are in a more artistic style, probably by a third hand. It is possible that these pages were written by ecclesiastical dignitaries. Some of the manuscript has been reinked. There are a number of ligatures at the ends of lines for combinations such as 'nt', 'ns', 'us', 'ur' etc.. These have been transcribed, although they are not currently reproduced in the display. There are very few abbreviations, all of which are recorded. All punctuation, capitalisation and hanging lines have been included, although the tight binding of the manuscript mean that the latter are not always visible. Quire signatures, where visible, have been listed as notes. Some corrections may by the first hand, others by later hands.34 Lectio Cryptoferratensis
Grottaferrata, Biblioteca della Badia Γ.β.VI Date unknown. Contains 1:1-17
This lection has been transcribed from the edition of Cozza:
J. Cozza, Sacrorum Bibliorum uetustissima fragmenta graeca et latina ex palimpsestis codicibus Bibliothecae Cryptoferratensis eruta, Pars 2. Rome 1867 (page 336)
This lection was read in both Greek and Latin on Easter Day. The first 14 verses correspond to the Vulgate; the remaining lines appear to have been translated by a mediaeval translator using a glossary.35 Codex Moliensis (Book of Mulling), μ , mull
Trinity College Dublin 60. Copied end of eighth century in Ireland, probably in St Mullins.
This manuscript has been transcribed from colour digital images. For the general history of the manuscript, reference has been made to:
H.J. Lawlor, Chapters on the Book of Mulling. Edinburgh; David Douglas 1897.
Lawlor only transcribes a few verses of John, but observes that this Gospel is copied by a different scribe and probably of a different origin to the rest of the manuscript. He also deduces from the punctuation that it was copied from an exemplar written per cola et commata, although he does not comment on the character of the text.
The copyist uses many abbreviations, most of which have been silently expanded. Occasional cases of ambiguity are mentioned in the notes. The scribe has two ways of writing the letter 'a', which have not been distinguished. The consistency of the writing and the left-hand margin are very uneven: indications of hanging lines are approximate. A corrector has added Eusebian canons and reinforced the text at the beginning of each canon, adding punctuation: these have not been recorded.40 Vendome Canon Tables
Vendôme, Bibliothèque Municipale 2. Copied possibly in the tenth century, in France.
Transcribed from black and white plates.
This is a set of canon tables with Old Latin readings. The full references to each verse have been added to aid the user: although the manuscript appears correctly in Page View and in the Synopsis, it is not possible to display it in Chapter View because of the non-sequential ordering of the gospel text.47 Codex Sangallensis 60
Sankt Gallen Stiftsbibliothek 60. Copied around 800 in Ireland.
Transcribed initially from black and white photographs, and then from colour digital images on the Codices Electronici Sangallenses website (www.cesg.unifr.ch).
This manuscript only contains John and has been identified as Old Latin in John 1:29-3:26, although there are also non-Vulgate readings elsewhere, including the heavily corrected opening pages.
The transcription includes page breaks, line breaks, capitalisation and rubrication. All abbreviations have been indicated apart from the symbols for 'autem', 'enim' and 'est'. All punctuation has been rendered by mid-dots.
Images of this manuscript are provided in page view by a direct link to the e-codices Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland, by kind permission of the Stiftsbibliothek St Gallen.48 Codex Sangallensis 51
Sankt Gallen Stiftsbibliothek 51. Copied around the end of the eighth century in Ireland.
Transcribed from colour digital images on the Codices Electronici Sangallenses website (www.cesg.unifr.ch).
The transcription includes page breaks, line breaks, capitalisation annd rubrication. All abbreviations have been indicated, and the 'ae' ligature recorded. There are several instances of the final words of a line being written in blank space at the end of a line above or below, preceded by ///. These are recorded in the Gospel sequence, but preceded by /// to indicate their displacement. Corrections are sometimes indicated by a very faint scratch.
Images of this manuscript are provided in page view by a direct link to the e-codices Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland, by kind permission of the Stiftsbibliothek St Gallen.49 Lectio Veronensis
Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare LI (49), fol. 19v. Copied in the eighth century in Verona. Contains 12:12-13
This marginal addition to an expository sermon has been transcribed from a black and white copy of a plate, together with an edition supplied by the Institut Vetus Latina.
Three minor orthographic changes have been made to the edition, regarding the rendering of 'ae' and the word 'hierusolima'.