Excerpt from: Codex Sarzanensis, Latin Codex j, z, (5th Cent.)
Prologue: - Introduction to the Old Latin Version
Review: - Codex Sarzanensis:
Transcription - of surviving text
This small image was taken from Waltz's Skypoint site:
One can see how various sections from each page have dropped out and been lost. Nonetheless, the presence of the Pericope de Adultera (John 7:53-8:11) is certain, since several verses from this passage have survived. Wikepedia offers the following brief intro:
The Latin Codex Sarzanensis, or Codex Saretianus, designated by j or 22 (in the Beuron system), is a 5th or 6th century Latin Gospel Book. The text, written on purple dyed vellum in silver ink (as are codices a b e f i), is a version of the old Latin.
It contains Luke 24 and 292 verses of John (1:38-3:23; 3:33-5:20; 6:29-49.49-67; 6:68-7:32; 8:6-9:21), written two columns on a page, in round letters.[1]
[The portion known as Codex z] containing John 18:36-20:14 was written by another hand.It has numerous lacunae.[1]
The manuscript was discovered in 1872 in the Church of Sarezzano near Tortona.[1] It was edited by librarian of the Ambrosian Library in 1872 at Milan (2nd edition, 1885). It was edited by Jülicher.[2]
Currently it is housed at the Church of Saints Ruffino & Venanzio at Sarezzano.
The Online Latin Texts site tells us:
Codex Sarzanensis, j, z
Sarrezano bei Tortona, Chiesa s.n.. Copied at beginning of sixth century in North Italy. The first section contains [John]1:8-4:29, 5:3-20, 5:29-7:45, 8:6-11:1, 11:12-34. The second contains parts of John 18:36-19:17 and 19:31-20:14.
This witness consists of two sections, probably from two different manuscripts, but bound together in antiquity. Its very poor quality of preservation has made it impossible for us to improve on the existing editions. Our transcription is based on G. Godu, Codex Sarzanensis. Fragments d'ancienne version latine du quatrième Evangile (Spicilegium Casinense 2), Monte Cassino, 1936.
For the first section, we have also used N. Ghiglione, L'evangeliario purpureo di Sarezzano (sec. V/VI) (Fontes Ambrosiani 75), Vicenza, 1984. This volume contains transcriptions of certain pages, and we have consulted it in the following places: F 15v; F 17v; F 18r; F 18v; F 19r; F 19v; F 28r; F 29r; F 30r; F 30v; F 32r; F 33v; F 35v; F 41v; F 42v; F 43v.
Generally the difference is that Ghiglione could only read as dubious letters which were clear to Godu, and we have not recorded these places. At F30v, Col.2, l. 1, Ghiglione tentatively reads the i in quia. We have recorded this as dubious.
The edition of G. Amelli, Un antichissimo codice biblico latino purpureo conservato nella chiesa di Sarezzano presso Tortona. Dissertazione critico-storica con note illustrative, Milan, 1872 records text not visible to Godu, who printed it in italics. It is indicated here by the use of light blue text in italics.
Godu reconstructed absent text by using H.J. Vogels, with adjustments where available space required something different. We have generally followed this, except that
1. we sometimes differ in our view on the text which would best fit the space.
2. we only provide reconstructed text for a line in which there is at least one letter extant, on the grounds that it is misleading to provide text for several or more lines which are completely missing. An exception is that we reconstruct partially extant words, and where a line begins and ends with such a word, text is supplied between them (cf. the line ae denuo in at 3.4, F 13v, Col. 2, l. 13).
Taken from:
Verse Links should connect to the online database and allow comparison of texts for each verse.
Codex Sarzanensis
Surviving Latin text
Codex Sarzanensis, Folio 41 recto (John 8:7-10)
Folio 41r
bant temptan
tes eum ut ac
cusarent eum
Ih̅s autem incli
nans se digito
scribebat in
terra 7 cum autem
tes eum leua
uit faciem su
am et dixit
eis qui sine
peccato est
uestrum pri
mus in eam la
pidem mittat
8 ...
... terra
9 Audientes autem
... relic
tus est solus ih̅s et
10 Ih̅s ...
Codex Sarzanensis, Folio 41 verso (John 8:11-14)
Folio 41v
te condemna
uit 11 quae respon
dit nemo dm̅e
dixit autem
... pecca
re finet
12 ...
xiiii Ego sum lumen
... tenebris
13 dixerunt autem
pharisai ad eum
tu de te testimo
nium dicis tes
timonium tu
um non est uerum
14 Respondit ih̅s et
dixit eis etsi ego
dico de me ue
rum est testi
monium meum
quia scio unde
ueni et quo ua
do uos nescitis