based on previous work @ threads (2007 fwd)
Last Updated: July 29, 2009
Section 1: - Introduction to Matthew
Section 2: - Brief Outlines for Matthew
Brief Outline: - Overview for Matthew
Alternate Outline: - Another View
Section 3: - Detailed Sectional Outlines for Matthew
Topical Outline: - for Matthew
Sectional Outline: - for Matthew
Matthew And Sources
While it is conceded that the author of Matthew used sources, both written and possibly oral. The main question surrounding Matthew involves its dependance. Two basic positions dominate the field: The first position is that Mark has priority, and was used as a base by subsequent Gospel writers, and the second is that Matthew was written first, possibly in Hebrew or Aramaic, and that subsequent Gospel writers (e.g., Mark and Luke) may have used Matthew or his sources in compiling their own Gospels.
There is little doubt that there was indeed literary dependence in one direction or another (i.e., actual copying and editing of material either between the Gospels or from common shared sources).
We have found that the preponderance of the evidence in favour of Markan Priority is overwhelming, and best explains just about all the phenomenae in a satisfying way, both for scholars and Christians. A typical sample of current opinion is quoted here:
Matthew's editing of Mark's gospel
Mark's gospel gives every indication of being the first one written, and thus we find the simplest version of the story of John the Baptist and the baptism of Christ in this work ... A comparison of the two synoptics, Matthew and Mark, reveals that in many places in the gospel of Matthew the gospel repeats almost verbatim (though often with small but significant changes) what is in Mark's gospel, and although Matthew freely rearranges material, often Matthew will pick up and follow Mark's earlier arrangement (although with some breaks in the flow as Matthew adds in additional material not found in Mark's original account).
taken from:
Matthew: Unifying Early Christian Groups
Matthew's purpose, it seems, is in part to complete and finalize the ministry and teaching of Jesus. It also seems to have a supplimentary goal of unifying diverse streams of thought and doctrine within the early church, for the purpose of uniting parties and factions with varied special interests (i.e., Jewish and Gentile Christians, followers of Paul vs. other Christian/Messianic groups).
Sectional Outlines for Matthew
The basic structure of Matthew is simple and straightforward. He organizes the incidents and teachings of Jesus into topical sections, and collects sayings into semi-organized speeches, following themes meant to resonate with the teachings and books of Moses (the Torah).
Matthew also concentrates on and expands prophetic fulfillments from the Old Testament, to strengthen the messianic claims of Jesus and their connection to the Law, Prophets, and the Writings of the OT.
Chapt. | Matthew: Brief Outline |
1 - 2 | ENTRANCE OF THE KING (Ch. 1-2) |
Genealogy of the King (Ch. 1:1-17) Birth of the King (Ch. 1:18-2:23) | |
3 - 7 | THE KINGDOM BEGINS (Ch. 3-7) |
John the Baptist (Ch. 3) Wilderness Temptations (Ch. 4) Sermon on the Mount (Ch. 5-7) | |
8 - 10 | THE KINGDOM AT WORK (Ch. 8-10) |
Miracles of Healing (Ch. 8-9) The Twelve Sent Out (Ch. 10) | |
11 - 13 | THE KINGDOM'S IDENTITY (Ch. 11-13) |
John the Baptist and Jesus (Ch. 11) Lord of the Sabbath (Ch. 12) Parables of the Kingdom (Ch. 13) | |
14 - 18 | THE KINGDOM'S AUTHORITY (Ch. 14-18) |
Authority over Nature (Ch. 14) Authority over the Unclean (Ch. 15) Authority over His Death (Ch. 16) Authority of the Church (Ch. 17) | |
19 - 20 | KINGDOM BLESSINGS (Ch. 19-20) |
The Kingdom and the Family (Ch. 19) Entering the Kingdom (Ch. 20) | |
21 - 25 | THE KING IN JERUSALEM (Ch. 21-25) |
Triumphal Entry (Ch. 21) Rejecting the King (Ch. 20) Signs of the Coming Kingdom (Ch. 24) Waiting for the Return of the King (Ch. 25) | |
Arrest (Ch. 26) Trial and Crucifixion (Ch. 27) Resurrection and Commission (Ch. 28) | |
adapted from: David E. Graves,(© 2000 ECM) | |
The following Alternate Short Outline may also be informative of Matthew's general Outlook and purpose:
Chapt. | Matthew: Alternate Brief Outline |
1 - 4:11 | Introduction to the King's Earthly Ministry (Ch. 1-4:11) |
Genealogy of the King (Ch. 1:1-17) Birth of the King (Ch. 1:18-2:23) John the Baptist (Ch. 3) Wilderness Temptations (Ch. 4:1-11) | |
4:12 - 7 | (I) Principles of the Kingdom (Ch. 8-10) |
Narrative: Jesus Calls four Disciples (4:12-25) Teaching: Sermon on the Mount (5 - 7) | |
8 - 10 | (II) Propagation of the Kingdom (Ch. 8-10) |
Narrative: Healing around Galilee (Ch. 8-9) Teaching: The Commission of The Twelve (Ch. 10) | |
11 - 13 | (III) Antagonism toward the Kingdom (Ch. 11-13) |
Narrative: Unreceptive Cities & Leaders (Ch. 11) Teaching: Parables of the Kingdom (Ch. 13) | |
14 - 18 | (IV) Hostility within the Kingdom (Ch. 14-18) |
Narrative: Difficulty in Believing Christ's teaching (14 - 17) Teaching: The meaning of Greatness and Forgiveness (Ch. 18) | |
19 - 25 | (V) Rejection of the Kingdom (Ch. 19-20) |
Narrative: Turning against the King in Judah (19 - 23) Teaching: Mount of Olives Discourse (24 - 25) | |
26 - 28 | Conclusion to the King's Earthly Ministry (Ch. 26-28) |
Arrest (Ch. 26) Trial and Crucifixion (Ch. 27) Resurrection and Commission (Ch. 28) | |
adapted from: | |
Alternate Outline: Notes
This Alternative Brief Outline makes the often heard claim about '5 great Discourses' in Matthew much more plain, at least in conception. A look at any "Red-Letter" Bible makes most of these large sections of Jesus-monologue fairly clear. Typically, a long speech of Jesus may span 2 or more chapters.
The pattern isn't as even as the outline suggests: For instance, Section (V) spans six whole chapters, and includes shorter exchanges based on Jesus' interaction with opponents.
Here follows a more detailed Sectional Outline for Matthew, based upon its topical content. This has been adapted from the Theopedia Online. The organization of the headings and subheadings could be done a number of ways, and the sections may be better known by alternate titles or descriptions, in English and other languages as well. This simply supplies a base from which to locate and identify various parts of Matthew.
The second detailed Sectional Outline will be based rather on identifiable 'pericopizing', or what may be identified as the original stories, pericopes, or segments, the smallest sensible and practical units of narrative/text.
Topical Outline
Topical Outline Index:
I. The Person of the King: the Early Life/ Ministry (1st Narrative - 1:1-4:11)
II. The Precepts of the King: The Sermon on the Mount (1st Discourse - 4:12-7:29)
III. The Power of the King: the Miracles/Mission (2nd Narrative/Discourse - 8-10)
IV. The Parables of the King: Rejection/Revelation (3rd Narrative/Discourse - 11-13)
V. The Rejection of the King: Miracles & Responses (4th Narrative/Discourse - 14:1 - 18:35)
VI. The Presentation of the King: Entry of Jerusalem (5th Narrative/Discourse - 19:1-25:46)
VII. The Passion of the King: Crucifixion/Resurrection (The Final Narrative - 26-28)
I. The Person of the King: the Early Life and Ministry of Jesus
(First Narrative - 1:1-4:11)1. The Advent of the King - 1:1 - 2:23
i. The Royal Genealogy of Jesus Christ - 1:1-17
ii. The Prophecy of the Birth of Jesus Christ to Joseph - 1:18-25 (First Fulfillment)
iii. The Birth of Christ in Bethlehem; the Search of the Magi - 2:1-12 (Second Fulfillment)
iv. Joseph takes Jesus and Mary to Egypt – 2:13-15 (Third Fulfillment)
v. The Attempt of Herod to Kill the Infant King - 2:16-18 (Fourth Fulfillment)
vi. The Return and Settling of Joseph in Israel - 2:19-23 (Fifth Fulfillment)
2. The Announcer of the King - 3:1-12
i. The Man: Description of John - 3:1-4
ii. The Mission: Preparation for the King - 3:3
iii. The Ministry: Bring People to Repentance - 3:5-6
iv. The Message: Judgment and the Coming King - 3:7-12
3. The Approval of the King - 3:13 - 4:11
i. The Baptism of Jesus - 3:13-17
ii. The Temptation of Jesus - 4:1-11II. The Precepts of the King: The Sermon on the Mount
(First Discourse - 4:12-7:29)1. The Background for the Sermon - 4:12-25
i. Jesus Goes to Capernaum (fulfilled prophecy) - 4:12-16
ii. Jesus Begins His preaching ministry - 4:17
iii. Jesus Calls His First Disciples - 4:18-22
iv. Jesus Ministers in Galilee - 4:23-25
2. The Sermon on the Mount - 5:1-7:29 (First Discourse)
i. Jesus’ Teaching on the Subjects of the Kingdom - 5:1-16
(1) The Beatitudes: Character of the Righteous - 5:1-12
(2) The Similitudes: Influence of the Righteous - 5:13-16
ii. Jesus’ Teaching on the Law of the Kingdom - 5:17-48
(1) Christ's Relationship to the Law - 5:17-20
(2) The Law and Murder - 5:21-26
(3) The Law and Adultery - 5:27-30
(4) The Law and Divorce - 5:31-32
(5) The Law and Oaths - 5:33-36
(6) The Law and Retaliation - 5:37-42
(7) The Law and Love - 5:43-48
iii. Jesus’ Teaching on the Life of the Kingdom - 6:1 - 7:12
(1) Giving - 6:1-4
(2) Prayer - 6:5-15
(3) Fasting - 6:16-18
(4) Money - 6:19-24
(5) Anxiety- 6:25-34
(6) Judgment and Hypocrisy - 7:1-6
(7) Prayer - 7:7-11
(8) Golden Rule - 7:12
iv. Jesus’ Teaching on the Way of the Kingdom - 7:13-29
(1) Two Ways - 7:13-14
(2) False Prophets - 7:15-20
(3) Obedience - 7:21-29III. The Power of the King: the Miracles and Mission of Christ
(Second Narrative and Discourse - 8-10)1. The Demonstration of the King's Power - 8:1 - 9:34
i. The King’s Miracles of Healing - 8:1-17
(1) Power over Death: A Leprous Man Healed - 8:1-5
(2) Power over Distance: A Centurion's Servant Healed - 8:6-13
(3) Power over Disease: A Disciple's Mother Healed - 8:14-15
(4) Power over Demons: Possessed People Healed - 8:16-17
ii. The Cost of Following the King - 8:18-22
iii. The King’s Miracles of Authority - 8:23 - 9:8
(1) The Sea is Subject to Him: Tempest is Stilled - 8:23-27
(2) Satan is Subject to Him: Devils Cast into Swine - 8:28-34
(3) Sin is Subject to Him: A Paralytic is Forgiven and Healed - 9:1-8
iv. The King Calls Matthew - 9:9-13
v. The New Wine of the Kingdom - 9:14-17
vi. The King’s Miracles of Restoration - 9:18-34
(1) Life is Restored: Jairus' Daughter Raised - 9:18-19; 23-26
(2) Health is Restored: Hemorrhaging Woman Healed - 9:20-22
(3) Sight is Restored: Two Blind Men Healed - 9:27-31
(4) Speech is Restored: Dumb Demoniac Delivered - 9:32-34
2. The Delegation of the King's Power - 9:35 - 11:1 (Second Discourse)
i. The Need for Labourers - 9:36-38
ii. The Master's Men - 10:1-4
iii. The Commissioning of the Twelve - 10:5-15
iv. The Instruction of the Twelve: Persecution - 10:16-31
v. The Instruction of the Twelve: Sacrifice - 10:32-39
vi. The Instruction of the Twelve: Reward - 10:40-42IV. The Parables of the King: Rejection and Revelation
(Third Narrative and Discourse - 11-13)1. The Beginnings of Rejection - 11:2-30
i. The Rejection of John the Baptist: Imprisonment/Inquiry - 11:2-6
ii. The Validation of John the Baptist - 11:7-15
iii. The Rejection of the Present Generation - 11:16-19
iv. The Rejection of Certain Cities - 11:20-27
v. An Invitation to Come to Jesus - 11:28-30
2. The Rejection of the King by the Pharisees - 12:1-50
i. The Conflict with the Pharisees: Sabbath Observance - 12:1-9
ii. The Challenge to the Pharisees: Righteousness - 12:10-13
iii. The Rejection from the Pharisees; Ministry to the Gentiles - 12:14-21
iv. The Conflict with the Pharisees: Casting out Devils - 12:22-30
v. The Challenge to the Pharisees: Blaspheming the Holy Ghost - 12:31-37
vi. The Conflict with the Pharisees: Asking for a Sign - 12:38-42
vii. The Activity of Demons - 12:43-45
viii. The True Brothers: Those Who Do His Will - 12:46-52
3. The Parables of the Kingdom - 13:1-52 (Third Discourse)
i. Parables Spoken to the Multitude - 13:1-35
(1) The Parable of the Soils/Digression #1 - 13:1-23
a. The Parable of the Soil – 13:1-9
b. The Reason for Parables: Fulfilled Prophecy - 13:10-17
c. The Parable of the Soils Explained - 13:18-23
(2) The Parable of the Wheat and Tares - 13:24-30
(3) The Parable of the Mustard Seed - 13:31-32
(4) The Parable of the Leaven/Digression #2 - 13:33-43
a. The Parable of the Leaven – 13:33
b. The Reason for Parables: Fulfilled Prophecy - 13:34-35
c. The Parable of the Wheat and Tares Explained - 13:36-43
ii. Parables Spoken to the Disciples - 13:44-53
(1) The Parable of the Treasure in the Field - 13:44
(2) The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price - 13:45-46
(3) The Parable of the Dragnet - 13:47-52
(4) The Parable of the Householder - 13:51-53
iii. The Rejection of Jesus by His Brothers - 13:54-58V. The Progressive Rejection of the King: Miracles & Responses
(Fourth Narrative and Discourse - 14:1 - 18:35)1. The Murder of John the Baptist - 14:1-12
2. The King’s Miracles of Power - 14:13-36
i. Creative Power: The Feeding of Five Thousand - 14:13-21
ii. Controlling Power: The Lord Walking On Water - 14:22-33
iii. Cleansing Power: The Healing of Many in Gennesaret - 14:34-46
3. The Rejection by the Scribes and Pharisees - 15:1-20
i. Jesus Confronts Pharisaic Hypocrisy - 15:1-9
ii. Depravity Comes From Within - 15:10-20
4. The King’s Miracles of Compassion - 15:21-39
i. Compassion on the Gentile: A Canaanite Woman Healed - 15:21-28
ii. Compassion on the Multitudes: Healing and Feeding - 15:29-39
5. The Rejection from the Pharisees and Sadducees - 16:1-12
i. The Seeking for a Sign - 16:1-4
ii. Jesus Warns His Disciples of the Leaven (False Doctrine) of the Pharisees - 16:5-12
6. The Revelation to the Disciples - 16:13 - 17:23
i. Peter's True Confession of the King - 16:13-20
ii. Jesus Foretells His Passion the First Time - 16:21-23
iii. The Cost of Following the King - 16:24-28
iv. Jesus is Transfigured before Peter, James, and John - 17:1-13
7. The Instruction to the Disciples - 17:14 - 18:35 (Fourth Discourse)
i. Instruction about Faith in Ministry - 17:14-21
ii. Jesus Foretells His Passion the Second Time - 17:22-23
iii. Instruction about Paying Tribute - 17:24-27
iv. Instruction about Humility: Example of Child-likeness - 18:1-5
v. Instruction about Offenses - 18:6-9
vi. Instruction about Salvation: Parable of the Lost Sheep - 18:10-14
vii. Instruction about Reconciliation - 18:15-20
viii. Instruction about Forgiveness - 18:21-35VI. The Presentation of the King: Entry & Controversy in Jerusalem
(Fifth Narrative and Discourse - 19:1-25:46)1. Various Questions and Answers - 19:1-20:28
i. Jesus goes to Judea - 19:1-2
ii. Jesus' Answer to the Pharisees on Divorce - 19:2-9
iii. Jesus' Answer to the Disciples on Celibacy and Marriage - 19:19-12
iv. Jesus Receives the Children - 19:13-15
v. Jesus' Answer to the Rich Young Ruler on Eternal Life - 19:16-22
vi. Jesus' Answer to the Disciples on Riches and Rewards - 19:23-30
vii. The Parable of the Laborers - 20:1-16
viii. Jesus Foretells His Passion the Third Time - 20:17-20
ix. Jesus' Answer to the Wife of Zebedee (on Servant-hood) - 20:21-29
2. The Recognition of the King - 20:29-34
i. Two Blind Men Recognize and are Healed by the King - 20:29-34
3. The Triumphant Entry of the King - 21:1-17
i. The Disciples Retrieve the Colt for the King - 21:1-7
ii. The People Prepare the Path for the King - 21:1-11
4. The Controversy of the King - 21:12-22:46
i. The Causes for the Controversy - 21:12-22
(1) Jesus Cleanses the Temple - 21:12-16
(2) Jesus Curses the Fig Tree - 21:17-22
ii. The Answers of the King in Question - 21:23 - 22:14
(1) Jesus’ Authority is Questioned by the Chief Priests - 21:23-27
(2) The Parable of the Two Sons - 21:28-32
(3) The Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen - 21:33-46
(4) The Parable of the Marriage Supper - 22:1-14
iii. The Attempts to Trap the King in His Teaching - 22:15-46
(1) The Herodians: Regarding Political Issues (Paying Tribute) - 22:16-22
(2) The Sadducess: Regarding Theological Issues (Resurrection) - 22:23-33
(3) The Pharisees: Regarding Legal Issues (The Greatest Commandments) -22:34-40
(4) The King Challenges the Pharisees - 22:41-46
5. Judgment Now and Later (The Fifth Discourse - 23:1-25:46)
i. The King's Rejection of the Nation (Judgment Now) - 23:1-39
(1) The King Warns Against the Pharisees' Hypocrisy - 23:1-12
(2) The King Reproves the Pharisees: Eight "Woes"- 23:13-36
(3) The King’s Lament Over Jerusalem - 23:37-39
ii. The Prophecies from the King (Judgment Later) - 24:1 - 25:46
(1) Prophecies About His Coming: Signs and Seasons - 24:1-50
a. The Disciples Two Questions: "When" and "What" - 24:3
b. The Great Tribulation Foretold (What) - 24:1-34
c. The Signs of the King's Coming (When) - 24:35-50
(2) Parables About His Coming: Readiness and Faithfulness - 25:1-30
a. The Parable of the Ten Virgins: Be Ready - 25:1-13
b. The Parable of the Talents: Be Faithful - 25:14-30
(3) The Final Judgment Described - 25:31-40VII. The Passion of the King: Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ
(The Final Narrative - 26-28)1. The Preparation for the Passion of the King - 26:1-35
i. The Preparation of the People for Conspiracy - 26:1-5
ii. The Preparation of the Body of Christ for Burial - 26:6-13
iii. The Preparation of Judas for Betrayal; Passover - 26:14-19
iv. The Preparation of the Disciples for Mourning: the Last Supper - 26:20-30
v. The Preparation of Peter for Denial - 26:31-35
vi. The Preparation of Jesus for the Passion: Gethsemane - 26:36-46
2. The Betrayal and Trial of the King - 26:47- 27:25
i. The Betrayal of Jesus by Judas - 26:47-56
ii. The Trial of Jesus before Caiaphas - 26:56-68
iii. The Denial of Christ by Peter - 26:69-75
iv. The Crucifixion of Jesus Planned - 27:1-2
v. The Remorse and Suicide of Judas - 27:3-10
vi. The Trial of Jesus before Pilate - 27:11-12
vii. The Exchange of Barabbas for Jesus – 27:13-23
viii. The Delivering of Jesus to be Crucified by Pilate – 27;24-26
3. The Crucifixion and Burial of the King - 27:26-66
i. The Scourging and Mocking of Jesus - 27:26-33
ii. The Crucifixion of Jesus - 27:34-49
iii. The Death and Burial of Jesus - 27:50-61
iv. The Sealing of the Tomb - 27:62-66
4. The Resurrection and Appearance of the King - 28:1-20
i. The Resurrection is Announced by an Angel - 28:1-8
ii. The Appearance of Jesus to the Women - 28:9-10
iii. The Conspiracy to Cover the Resurrection - 28:11-15
iv. The Appearance of Jesus to His Disciples – 28:16-17
v. Jesus Gives the Great Commission - 28:18-20
The following Sectional Outline is the one which was used to map Matthew against Mark and Luke (and John). For this purpose, we chose names and segmentations that reflect contiguous blocks of text that show literary interdependance and may have been copied or edited from Gospel to Gospel (especially the Synoptics).
Verses Matthew: Sectional Outline 1:1-17 Jesus' Genealogy 1:18-2:23 Birth & Childhood of Jesus 3:1-12 John Baptist Prepares the Way 13.16 Jesus' Baptism 4:1-11 The Gospel Parable (Jesus' Temptation) 12.16 Jesus begins ministry in Galilee (JB's imprisonment noted) 18-22 Simon-Peter, Andrew, James & John Called (Sea of Galilee) 23.25 A Multitude is Healed, Demons cast out (I) 'Sermon on the Mount' [5 pgs] 5:2-12 Beatitudes (Expanded) 13 Parable of the Salt (non-parablized) 14 Parable of the Light (Jerusalem?) / City on a Hill 15.16 Parable of the Unhidden Light (cf. Luke 8:16, 11:33-36) 17.19 The Law not Annulled (cf. Luke 16:16-17, 21:33) 21.26 On Murder / On Making Peace (cf. Luke 12:57-59) 27-30 On Adultery / Cutting off members (cf. 1Cor12:12-27) 31.32 On Divorce (cf. Luke 16:18, Exc Adult."./but Jn.8:1-11, Lk 7:36f) 33.36 On Oaths (cf. Luke 11:40, Mt 23:16-22) 38.42 On Eye for Eye (cf. Luke 6:29=v39-40) 43.48 On Loving Neighbour (Luke 6:27-36 om.v29 sub"perf merc") 6:1-4 Do Charity in Secret (But cf. Mt 5:16) 5.6 Pray in Secret 9.13 The Lord's Prayer (Luke 11:2-4) 14 Forgive & Be Forgiven (Luke 6:37b) 15 Correlation (?) 16-18 Fast in Secret 19-21 Treasure in Heaven (Luke 12:34) 22-23 Parable of Unhidden Lamp = Body (Luke 11:34-36) 24 Serving God or Riches (Lk 16:13) 25-33 Don't worry about Food/Drink (Lk 12:22-31 om v32-33) 7:1-2 Judge Not (Lk 6:37a, 38b) 3-5 Speck vs. Log (Lk 6:41-42) 6 Giving Holy to Dogs 7-11 Keep Asking, Knocking (Lk 11:9-13) 12 Do As be Done By (Lk 6:31) 13-14 The Narrow Way (Lk 13:24) 15-20 A Tree Known by its Fruits (Lk 6:43-45) 21a(b-23) Lord, Lord 24-29 Build On Rock (Lk 6:46[13:25b-27]6:47-49,4:32) 8:1-4 A Leper is Cleansed 5.13 The Centurion's Servant Healed 14-15 Peter's Mother-In-Law Healed 16-17 A Multitude is Healed, Demons Cast Out (2nd time) 18-22 The Cost of Discipleship (1st Time) 23-27 Wind and Waves Obey Jesus 27.31 Two Demons Exorcised, Swine drown ("LEGION" dropped!) 9:1-8 A Cripple is Healed and Forgiven 9-13 Matthew the Tax Collector Called 14-17 Dispute about Fasting (Purification Dispute) 18-26 Girl Raised and Woman Healed 27-31 Two Blind Men Healed 32-34 Possessed Mute Healed (Baalzebub Q hinted at) 35-38 Multitude Healed (3rd time), Jesus notes Harvest (Johannine seg.) 10:1-5a The Twelve Called, Endowed and Sent (II) The Great Commission Discourse [1.5 pgs] 5b-15 Commission to Twelve Given 16-23 Persecutions Foretold 24-25a A Disciple Not Above his Master 25b Disciples wear mantle of Baalzebub 26 Fragment of Parable of Lamp (cf. Luke 8:17) 27-31 Fear God not Man, Do Not Fear (many sparrows) 32-33 Confess Christ 34-38 Christ brings Division 40-41 A Prophet's Reward 11:1-15 John Baptist Sends / Jesus Teaches of him 16-19 This Generation will not Dance 20-24 Woe to the Cities 24-30 Jesus Gives True Rest 12:1-8 Son of Man is Lord of Sabbath (Gleaning Dispute) 9.14 Man with Crippled Hand Healed on Sabbath 15.21 Jesus Requests Secrecy from Followers 22-32 Blind Mute Healed / Unpardonable Sin (Baalzebub) 33-37 Parable of Tree (garbled) 38.42 The Sign of Jonah 43.45 Parable of the Returning Demon 46-50 Jesus' Mother & Brothers - Who? (III) The Parables of the Kingdom [2.5 pgs] 13:1-9 Parable of the Sower 10-17 Purpose of Parables 18-23 Parable of Sower Explained 24-30 Parable of the Wheat & Weeds (Special Matthew?) 31-32 Parable of the Mustard Seed 33 Parable of the Leaven 34-36 Jesus always speaks in Parables (narrative) 37-43 Parable of the Wheat & Weeds Explained 44 Parable of the Hidden Treasure 45.46 Parable of the Pearl of Great Price 47.52 Parable of the Dragnet (Spec. Matt?) 53-58 Jesus Rejected (at Nazareth?) 14:1-12 John Baptist Beheaded (recounted) 13.21 Feeding the 5000 22.33 Jesus Walks on Water 34.37 Multitude is Healed (4th time) touching Garment (Lk 8:40f) 15:1-11 Dispute over Ceremonial Washing 12.13 Reference to Wheat & Weeds? (cf. Lk 13:6-9) 14 Blind leading Blind (Lk 6:39) 15.20 (Parable?) Ceremonial Washing Explained 21-28 Demon Possessed Daughter Healed (children/dogs Mt 7:6) 29.31 Multitude Healed (5th time) 32.39 Feeding the 4000 16:1-4 Discern Time/Sign of Jonah (cf. Lk 12:54-56) 5.12 Beware Leaven of Phars.& Sadd, / Explained 13.20 Peter Testifies 21.22 Jesus Predicts Death & Ressurr./ Rebukes Peter 24-28 Take up Cross & Follow / Promises 17:1-13 The Transfiguration 14.21 Epileptic Boy Healed / Jesus on Fasting 22.23 Jesus Predicts Death & Ressurr.(2nd time) 24.26 Jesus & Peter Pay Taxes (Spec Matt. cf. Lk 20:20-26) (IV) Greatness/Forgiveness Discourse [1.75 pgs] 18:1-5 Who is Greatest? Receive a Child... 6-7 Offences, (no forgiveness) 8-9 On Cutting off Members (cf Matt 5:29f) 10-14 Parable of the Lost Sheep 15-20 Dealing with Brother, Prayer (cf. Jn 20:23 etc) 21-35 Parable of Unforgiving Servant (cf. Lk 12:57-59) 19:1-2 Multitude Healed (6th time)/ Passing to Judea 3.10 On Divorce 11.12 On Celibacy 13.15 Children Blessed (2nd time) 16.22 Rich Ruler to Give up All (IVb) Shorter Discourse [1 pg] 23-30 Who is Saved? Rewards of Following 20:1-16 Parable of the Vineyard Workers (equal pay question) 17-19 Jesus Predicts Death & Ressur. (3rd time) 20-24 John & James' Mother asks to share throne 25-28 Dictatorship condemned 29.32 Two Blind Men Healed outside Jericho 21:1-11 The Triumphal Entry 12.16 The Temple is Cleansed 18-22 Fig Tree Withered, Lesson expounded 23-27 By What Authority? (IVb) Shorter Discourse [1.5 pgs] 28-32 Parable of the Two Sons 33-46 Parable of the Wicked Vinedressors 22:1-14 Parable of the Wedding Feast 15-22 Taxes to Caesar? 23-33 On the Ressurrection (talk with Sadduces) 34-39 The Greatest Commandment 41-46 Who is David's Son? 23:1-36 The Big Woe to Scribes and Pharisees 37-39 Lamentation over Jerusalem (V) Mount of Olives Sermon: [4 pgs] 24:1-2 Jesus Predicts Destruction of Temple 3-14 Signs of the End of the Age 15-28 Destruction of Jerusalem 29-31 The Coming of the Son of Man 32-35 The Lesson of the Fig Tree 36-44 Watch and Be Ready 45-51 Parable of the Faithful & Bad Servants 25:1-13 Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins 14-30 Parable of the Talents 31-46 Parable of the Sheep and Goats . The Passion & Resurrection: 26:1-5 Jesus Predicts Death / Priests conspire (4th time) 6-13 The Annointing at Bethany 26:14-16 Judas Arranges to Betray Jesus 17-19 Disciples to prepare Passover 20-25 Jesus Predicts Judas' Betrayal 26-30 Last Supper 31-33 Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial 36-46 Prayer in Garden of Gesthemane 47-56 Betrayal and Arrest 57-66 Trial before the Sanhedrin 67-68 Jesus Mocked/ Beaten (by Sanhedrin forces) 69-75 Peter Denies and Weeps 27:1-10 Jesus Sent to Pilate / Judas hangs himself 11-26 Trial before Pilate / Barabbas released, Pilate washes hands 27-31 Jesus Mocked/Beaten (by Roman ? forces) 32 Simon of Cyrene 33-56 Jesus is Crucified 57-61 Jesus is Buried 62-66 Pilate sets a Guard over Grave 28:1-8 Jesus is Risen 9-10 Jesus appears to the Women 11-15 Guards are Bribed 16-20 Jesus Appears on Mountain in Galilee /Final Commission .
One interesting thing to note is that the so-called Five great sermons are less clear when the three blocks of four extra parables each that Matthew tacks on the end of the Markan speeches are subtracted. Although these parables are classified as "Special Matthew" (found only in Matthew), many seem clearly derived from Lukan materials, or else substituted for them consciously.
The result is a majestic 'Gospel' ideally suited to public reading (with key controversial material minimized), but unfortunately not one which can replace those of Mark and especially Luke/Acts, which contain much important early church history and emphasis upon the Social Gospel aspect of Jesus' teaching.