Between December
5th 804 AD & 25th November 805
AD |
Lived the East Syrian
Catholicos Timothy I, see above under AD 780. Civil and
ecclesiastical canons created by Timothy were enacted in a second synod
which occurred in this year, (AH 189, [50]). A large collection of 59
letters and some canons written by Timothy are preserved in Mingana Syr
587. The treatise by Timothy on ecclesiastical law dated AD 805 and
another treatise on the soul can also be found in Mingana 47, sections jj
and ll, [46]. |
[46], volume 1, column 1115,
1118-9 [50], pp. 603 note 4, 608 note 3 |
812 or 813 AD |
Quriaqos or
Cyriacus Patriarch of Antioch held another synod in Harran.
The synodal canons are edited in [68]. |
[62], p. 6 [68], p.
17 |
817 AD |
End of the see of Quriaqos
or Cyriacus, Syrian Orthodox Patriarch of
Antioch. |
Bar Hebraeus,
“Nomocanon” [62], p. 6 |
c. 817 AD |
Job of Edessa, (or Job
al-Abrash) the East Syrian, teaches Syriac studies in Baghdad,
and wrote 'The book of treasures', (essentially a Syriac
encyclopedia). |
[33], p. 212 |
October 817 AD,
[68] |
Tell-Mahraya became Syrian Orthodox Patriarch of
Antioch. He sat until AD 845. He had been a student at the
Monastery of Kenneshre and then at the Monastery of Mar Jacob at Kaisum in
the district of Samosata. Dionysius wrote histories that preserved the
Chronicle of Edessa and the chronicle of Joshua Stylite. He dedicated his
historical work to Iwannis Patriarch of Dara, (see
Mar Dionysius held a synod in
the city of Qalinicos during October AD 817 and the dated synodal canons
are edited in [68]. The synodal letter contains a number of gospel
quotations from an Old Syriac gospel, including Mt18v20, = ‘Where
two and three are gathered in my name, there I am between
them.’ see [68], p. 26 and compare the same variant quoted by Aphrahat who
lived in the 4th century AD as edited by Wright, p. 69 lines 4,
6, 16 and p. 71 line 7. These quotations demonstrate that the Syrian
Orthodox church was not only using the Peshitta version, but also
Old Syriac gospels as authoritative texts in it's official documents even
as late as the 9th century AD. |
[24], p. 196 ff. [33], p.
212 Hatch, “Album” p. 114 [62], p.7 [68], p. 25 |
819 AD |
Jacob became patriarch
of Alexandria. He sat until AD 836 |
Hatch, “Album” p.
114 |
820 AD |
Died Theodore Abu Qurra,
bishop of Harran. Abu Qurra was from Edessa and had been a monk at the
monastery of Saba. He says of himself that he wrote both in Syriac
and in Arabic. His Arabic works are extant and display clear Old
Syriac gospel quotations [38] [24]. Interestingly, he tells us that he
is quoting from the separate gospels because he explicitly mentions
the end of Matthew's gospel in connection with one of his quotations. So
we have here some evidence that the early Arabic gospels were translated
from the Syriac Evangelion daMepharreshe, not from the
Peshitta. |
[38], pp. 158 – 159 [42],
pp. 24, 53 |
Friday 9th
January 823 AD |
Died Timothy I,
Catholicos of the East aged 95 years. He had been catholicos for 43 years
and 7 months. (There is an uncertainty in [50] here due to conflicting
information from the ancient sources, [53]. Either Timothy died on
9th January 824 after he had been catholicos for 43 years and 7
months, [50], or he died on 9th January 823, [50], after he had
been catholicos for 42 years and 7 months.)
Timothy was succeeded as
Patriarch by Isho` Bar Nun who ruled from Baghdad, Iraq, [53].
Isho` had been tutored by Mar Abraham bar Dashandad, 'The Crippled'
of Bet Sayyada the celegrated teacher who taught him in the Upper
Monastery at Mosul, [53]. |
[50], p. 603 note 5 [53], p.
189 |
823 AD (AG
1134) |
Date of the earliest extant
MS containing the Philoxenian version of 1, 2 and 3 John, James, 1
and 2 Peter and Jude. Written in Egypt by Aaron, a monk from Dara, near
Mardin, and presented 30 years later to the monastery of Theotokos in the
Nitrian desert. Br. Lib. Add. 14623 and acquired from Nitria by the
British Museum between 1839 - 47. |
[34], pp. XXIII,
828 AD |
Died the East Syrian
patriarch Isho` Bar Nun. According to the Beth Gazza, he was
succeeded by Giorgis, [Borgia Syr. 60 p. 532 column
2]. |
[46], volume 1, column
1212 [53], p. 189 |
fl. c. 830 AD |
Iwannis (Syrian
Orthodox) Bishop Metropolitan of Dara, (or John of Dara).
Iwannis wrote (amongst other things) four books on the Priesthood. In
these particular books, he quotes a large amount of Gospel text taken from
an Old Syriac, gospel including variants not found in the Sinaitic
or Curetonian manuscripts. |
[24], pp. 200, 204f. [38],
p. 108 |
fl. c. 830 AD |
Nonnos, a contemporary
of Iwannis and an arch-deacon of the Syrian Orthodox Church at
Nisibis wrote a theological treatise whilst in prison. From his treatise
it can be seen that Nonnos used the Peshitta gospel
text. |
[24], pp. 205 – 206 [38],
p. 109 |
830 AD |
Died Basil, bishop of
Tagrit. |
Hatch 'Album' p.
114 |
832 AD |
Sabhr-isho` II became
East Syrian Catholicos, he sat until AD 836. In this same year,
Thomas who was later bishop of Marga, entered the convent of
Beth `Abhe. |
[24], pp. 216,
219 |
837 AD |
Abraham became East
Syrian Catholicos and had Thomas as his secretary, promoting him to
be bishop of Marga and afterwards metropolitan of Beth
Garmai. |
[24], pp. 206, 219 [63],
vol. 1, p. x |
fl. c. 837 to 858
AD |
Thomas bishop of Marga
and East Syrian metropolitan of Beth Garmai wrote his 'Historia Monastica'
or 'Book of Governors' in the Monastery of Beth `Abhe at the request of a
friend, the monk `Abhd-isho` about AD 840, [63].
According to Vööbus, [38] the
Historia Monastica uses the Peshitta gospel text and there are only 'a
small number of Old Syriac variants'. However, when the present author
analysed all 36 gospel allusions found in the Historia Monastica, only 11
(i.e. 30%) agreed with the Peshitta. Furthermore, some of the other 25
gospel allusions contain outstanding variants consistent with an ancient
Old Syriac gospel text, even older than the Sinaitic and Curetonian
codices. For example on page 380, line 10 of the Syriac text, [63] Thomas
quotes from John 17v21, 'As that I and you my Father we [are] one'.
The theology underlying this reading is very different to that which lies
behind the reading found in the Sinaitic Old Syriac codex and in the
Peshitta; 'As that you my Father
[are] in me and I [am] in you.' It is tempting to see Thomas'
words as a misquotation from memory, but a wider examination of his
quotations shows otherwise. For example, in the Sinaitic and Curetonian
Old Syriac codices and the Peshitta of Luke 15v7, 10 Yeshu`a allegedly
said either 'there will be joy in heaven' (v7) or 'there will be joy
before God's angels' (v10) but in [63], p. 349 Thomas quotes Yeshu`a in a
different way. He says, 'The angels who are in heaven rejoice'. A
misquotation? No, not at all. This same text was alluded to as early as
the 4th century AD by Aphrahat, (Wright, p. 276) and by Ephrem
Syrus, (Leloir, CSCO vol. 180 quotations 544, 546 with others). Thus, the
Historia Monastica enables us to enter the Monastery of Beth `Abhe and
look over Thomas' shoulder at his familiar gospel text. In his gospel
codex we can see glimpses of an ancient gospel text, quite unlike that
found in the Peshitta or in the Greek and one having it's own distinctive
text type and theology. |
[24], pp. 205 – 206,
220 Budge, “Paradise” 1904 p. viii [38], pp. 115 – 116 [63], vol.
1, pp. x, xi, 349, 380 |
845 or 846 AD |
Ephraem Stylite from
the village Kephar-Tauetha near Zeugma copied a manuscript BL. Add. 12153
partly using Serta, and partly using the Estrangela Syriac
script. |
Hatch, “Album” p.
152 |
845 AD |
Tell-Mahraya Syrian Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch died
on 22nd August AD 845 and he was buried in the Monastery of
Kenneshre, [24]. In November AD 846 a synod was held in the Monastery of
Mar Shila in the region of Serug and during this synod,
Yohannan (John) III was elected as his successor,
[62]. He sat until AD 873, [62]. |
[33], p. 212 [38], p.
108 Hatch, “Album” pp. 114, 156 [62], p. 7 |
847AD |
Start of the reign of the
Caliph al-Mutwakil who began a systematic ideological attack on the
Christians in Iraq. He also outlawed and began persecuting a number of
Islamic schools including the Sufis who had engaged with Christians
and debated their ideas in a constructive way. This caliph died in AD
861. |
[60], p. 88 |
850 AD |
End of the see of
Abraham, Eastern Catholicos. |
[24], p. 206 |
852 AD |
Theodosius (who was
the natural brother of Thomas b. of Marga) became East Syrian
Catholicos. Prior to his elevation he was bishop of al-Anbar (also known
as Piruz-Shabor, [65]) and then metropolitan of Gunde-Shabhor.
A rival of Theodosius for the
post of Catholicos was Isho`dad of Merv, bishop of Hedhatta.
Isho`dad wrote commentaries on each book of the Peshitta New
Testament and (at least) Genesis and Exodus in the Old. There are some Old
Syriac relics in his work which he inherits from older authors, but in
general his great work demonstrates the decline of the Old Syriac gospel
text type in use amongst the East Syrian clergy. Nevertheless, Isho`dad
makes some interesting comments about the Diatessaron in the prologue to
his commentary upon Mark. He says, (I translate from the Syriac):
‘Tatianos who was the disciple of Justianos the philosopher
and martyr, he selected from the four evangelists. And he mixed [them] and
set down the gospel. And he called it "Diatessaron," that is
"The mixed". And upon the divinity of the Christ he did not have
cause to write. And Mari Ephrem commented to this.’
Isho`dad implies from his
remarks that the Diatessaron had an Arian or low christology. This remark
is not born out by the fragments of the Diatessaron which survive.
Isho`dad's comment and the way he occasionally quotes excerpts from the
Diatessaron in his commentaries of the gospels and Acts suggest that he
had no complete copy of the Diatessaron to study. On the other hand,
Isho`dad often quotes verbatim from a copy of Ephraem's commentary. This
suggests that Ephrem's critical analysis was his primary window upon the
Diatessaron. So, despite what he tells us about his strenuous efforts to
locate manuscripts, it would seem unlikely that Isho`dad found even a
single copy of the Diatessaron. This demonstrates the scarcity of
Diatessaron manuscripts by the mid 9th century. |
[24], pp. 206, 220 [65],
p. 103 |
AD |
End of the see of
Theodosius, Eastern Catholicos. According to the Beth Gazza, he was
succeeded by Sargays of Nisibis, and next by Mari Anush who
was from Beth Garmai and next by John IV bar Narsay who appears
below under AD 893, [Borgia Syr. 60 p. 532 column 2 – p. 533 column
1]. |
[24], p. 206 |
AD |
Severus, a monk who
lived in the monastery of Barbara in the hill of Edessa during the days of
Johannan the Patriarch wrote a catena patrum, that is to
say, a collection of sayings by the church fathers. The compilation was
completed in AD 861. This work contains gospel quotations using the
Peshitta text. |
[38], p. 113 |
c. 863 AD |
Moshe bar Kepha was
born in Balad in about AD 813. He was taught from his early youth by
Rabban Cyriacus who was abbot of the convent of Mar Sergius near Balad
where Moshe became a monk. Later he became Syrian Orthodox bishop of
Mosul, Beth Kiyonaya and Beth Raman and took the name Severus. He
sat for 40 years until his death in AD 903. Moshe was a prolific Syriac
author, but his principal work was his commentary upon the bible.
Fragments of his gospel commentaries are preserved in only two European
MSS; BL Add. 17274 and Cambridge Syr. 1971 and in a single Harvard MS, Syr
41. In these he quotes the Peshitta text. He also wrote metrical
homilies which also contain gospel quotations. It is noticeable that some
of the shorter quotations in his homilies were taken from an Old
Syriac gospel source. |
[24], p. 207 f. [38], p.
109 |
873 AD |
Died Honain ibn
Ishak al-`Ibadi of Herta who was born in AD 803. He was
a Syriac speaking Arab from Al-Hira who belonged to the Church of the
East. He was a famous physician, an eye specialist and also a master
translator of Persian, Greek and Syriac works into Arabic. He taught
methods of collating sources and translation technique which were
essential to the accurate transmission of knowledge. Honain also
invented a scientific and philosophical terminology for the Arabic
language, this too was essential for the understanding and transmission of
knowledge. |
[24], pp. 211, 215 [46],
volume 1, column 501 [60], p. 84 |
873 or 874 AD |
Died Yohannan (John) III,
Syrian Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch. [62] has AD 873. |
Hatch, “Album”, p.
156 [62], p. 7 |
June 5th 878
AD |
Ignatios was elected
Syrian Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch during a synod held at the
Monastery of Mar Zakkai near Qalliniqos. He sat until AD
883. |
[62], p. 8 |
887 AD |
Romanus the physician,
a monk from Kartamin was elected as Syrian Orthodox Patriarch of
Antioch, ([24] says Amid) and took the name Theodosius. He
wrote a commentary on a work called 'Pseudo-Hierotheos' which he dedicated
to Lazarus, bishop of Cyrrhus. Both Theodosius' commentary and the
book he commented upon, quote many times from the Diatessaron
gospel harmony. The textual pattern of the gospel quotations has been
ascertained from agreements with earlier Diatessaron witnesses, from the
free harmonizations found and also from some non-canonical elements only
found in the Diatessaron. Theodosius died in AD 896. He was succeeded by
Dionysios in the same year, [62]. |
[24], p. 206 Marsh,
“Hierotheos” 1927 [62], p. 8 |
c. 880 - 890 AD |
Flourished the distinguished
Syrian lexicographer Isho` Bar `Ali Arabic name, Isa ibn
`Ali who was a pupil of Honain ibn Ishak al-`Ibadi of
Herta the famous physician, (Honain died in AD 873). An example
of his lexical work based upon earlier lexicographers can be found in
Mingana Syr 474. Isho` Bar `Ali also created a new Syriac recension
of the Diatessaron by vulgarizing its readings using the Peshitta.
This vulgarized Syriac recension was used later in the 11th
century to create the Arabic Diatessaron, (see below, under AD
1043). |
[24], pp. 211,
215 Petersen “Diatessaron”, pp. 135 – 136 |
893 AD |
The East Syrian Catholicos
John IV bar Narsay, who is mentioned in the Beth Gazza, [Borgia
Syr. 60 p. 533 column 1] appointed his nephew, Theodore bar Koni as
bishop of Lashom. Theodore authored a book of scholia on the scriptures,
(published by CSCO from 1910 onwards) and an ecclesiastical
According to the list of
patriarchs in the Beth Gazza, John IV was succeeded by Yuwannis and
then by John bar Abgar, (see below under AD 900). |
[24], p.
222. |
896 AD |
Died Theodosius Syrian
Orthodox patriarch of Antioch. During a synod held at the Monastery of Mar
Shila of Serug, Theodosius was succeeded by Dionysios in April of
the same year, [62]. |
[62], p. 8 |
900 AD |
John bar Heghire [24]
also known as John V bar Abgare [52] became East Syrian Catholicos. He sat
until his death in AD 905, [52]. |
[24], p. 230 [52], p.
63 |
903 AD |
Died Moshe bar Kepha,
Syrian Orthodox bishop of Mosul, Beth Kiyonaya and Beth Raman. After he
became bishop, he was known as 'Mar Severus'. |
[24], p. 208 [38], p.
109 Hatch 'Album', p. 186 |
905 AD |
Died John bar Heghire,
also called John V bar Abgare, East Syrian Catholicos, he was
succeeded by Abraham. Abraham sat until AD 936 or 937. The ancient
sources of this data are Bar Hebraeus, from his 'Chron. Eccl.' and the MSS
of the Mingana collection, [46]. |
[24], p. 230 [46], volume
1, columns 925, 1120 |
22nd March 914
AD |
Kristophoros was ordained as
Mar Sargis, Syrian Orthodox Metropolitan of the Mar Matti
Monastery in Persia. The date given is 22nd of the month
Adar in the year 303 AH. This occurred during the tenure of
Denha, Maphrian of the East and Yohannan bishop of Mar
Matti and Huran who was Abbot of the same
monastery. |
[62], p. 10 |
c. 922 AD |
Flourished Elias of
Anbar, the East Syrian bishop of Peroz-Shabhor, (the older name of
Al-Anbar, see [65]). He corresponded with Catholicos Abraham. He
wrote a collection of metrical homilies, an apology, letters and some
prose discourses. There is a legible photograph in the BFBS catalogue of
two pages from his collection of memre upon knowledge and wisdom called
the 'Duresha'. Other MS of this work; One dated AD 1554 can be found in
Jerusalem, [65] another of the 16th century can be found at
Alqosh, MS152, [66]. There is also an edition of the Duresha by Juckel A,
CSCO vols 559, 560 published by Peeters 1996. |
[24], pp. 228, 230 BFBS
manuscript 449 dated 1733. See BFBS catalogue p. 215 [65], p.
103 [66], part 2, p. 78 |
932 AD |
Moses of Nisibis, (906
- 943 AD) had a library of over 250 manuscripts. There was also a large
library at Dayr al-Suryan in the Monastery of Theotokos of the
Syrians in the desert of Scetis, (lower Egypt). Many of the surviving MSS
were bought by the British Museum in two batches, the first in 1842. These
MSS form the majority of the Syriac MSS now in the British
Library. |
[32] |
937 AD |
Died Abraham, East
Syrian catholicos. According to the Beth Gaza, [Borgia Syr. 60 p. 533
column 1], Abraham was succeeded by Emmanuel. and then (in AD 961)
by Israyel Karkaya. |
[24], p. 230 |
c. 945 AD |
Emmanuel the
Catholicos of the East appointed George metropolitan of Mosul and
Arbel. George's chief work was an exposition of the ecclesiastical
offices for the whole year, written in seven sections, (these have been
published by Connolly R. H., CSCO 2 vols. 1912, 1913 and another in 1915).
George also wrote Turgame which can be found in Vat. Syr. 150 and 151 and
in Berlin Sachau 167 section 2. |
[24], p. 231 |
961 AD |
Israyel Karkaya was
elected Catholicos of the East. |
[24], p. 230 |
963 AD |
`Abhd-Isho` I was
elected East Syrian Catholicos. He sat until AD 968.
Present at his consecration
was Emmanuel bar Shahhare. Also known as Emmanuel of Mosul, [65] he
was the teacher in the school of Mar Gabriel in the convent of Daira
`Ellaita (the 'Upper Monastery') at Mosul. He died in AD 980. He wrote
28 metrical discourses upon the six days of creation called the
'Hexaemeron'. This work survives in many manuscripts (see the oldest MS
dated 1288 in [65]) and includes gospel readings from the Peshitta
as well as a significant number of Old Syriac readings and even
some Old Syriac variants not found in the Sinaitic and Curetonian Old
Syriac gospel manuscripts, [38].
Also present at
`Abhd-Isho`'s consecration was the scholar Isho` bar Bahlul, whose
Arabic name was Abu 'l-Hasan 'Isa ibn al-Bahlul. Bar Bahlul
created an important Syro-Arabic lexicon. MSS copies of his lexicon can be
found in Mingana MSS Syr 249 B and 571. |
[24], pp. 228, 230 –
231 [38], p. 117, 139 [65], p. 124 |
969 AD |
The Greeks recaptured
Antioch from the Muslims. Afterward, Antioch became a centre for
the Melkite Christians in Palestine. The gospels and other parts of
the NT originally used by the Melkites were written in Christian
Palestinian Aramaic, (CPA). CPA is a dialect of western Aramaic,
similar to the Samaritan and Jewish Palestinian dialects which were
current before the Muslims invaded Palestine. CPA has its own distinctive
semi cursive script, which looks like an Estrangela written with much
squarer letters |
Hatch 'Album', pp. 249,
250 |
979 AD |
Died Rabban Joseph
Busnaya in the East Syrian monastery of Rabban Hormizd situated
near Alqosh. Around this time, Joseph's biography was written by one of
his disciples, Johannan or John bar Kaldun. The biography is
long, 242 folios [46] or about 200 folios, [66] and in it Johannan
quotes the gospel text from an Old Syriac manuscript. Examples of
Old Syriac readings, one of Lk17v21 and another of Jn3v16 have been edited
from MS Orient 9387 by Vööbus, [38], pp. 137, 197. The Syriac text of this
biography may not have been edited, but a French translation is available
published by J-B Chabot in Revue de l'Orient chrétien; 2 (1897) pp.
357-409; 3 (1898) 77-121, 168-190, 292-327, 458-480; 4 (1899) pp. 384-414;
5 (1900) pp. 118-143, 182-200 and again by Placide Deseille, 'L'evangile
au désert', Paris 1965, pp. 213-267. |
[38], pp. 137 f., 197 BL
MS Orient 9387 of the 19th cent. Mingana Syr. 66 dated 1893,
[46], col. 168 Alqosh Syr. 95, (Scher, [66], part 2, p.
61) |
987 AD |
Mari bar Tobi,
Atoraya or 'The Assyrian' was elected Catholicos of the East.
According to the Beth Gazza, Mari was succeeded by Iwannis
III. |
[24], p. 231 |
c. 990 AD |
John was bishop of the
convent of Qartamin in Tur `Abdin at the end of the
10th century AD, (source Barhebraeus). At this time, John
revived the Estrangela script which was used for copying manuscripts once
more. |
Hatch 'Album' p.
26 |