Last Updated:

July 19, 2010

Dykes on Von Soden

Excerpt from: Gary Dykes, key to von Soden' MSS Apparatus, (internet, 2008)

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Key to Von Soden: - Gary S. Dykes
    Acts and Epistles:

A Key to Von Soden's Apparatus for
the Praxapostolos and Revelation

["Praxapostolos" = Acts, the Catholic Epistles, and the Pauline Epistles]

This key provides referrers to von Soden's apparatus with a means by which they can accurately note which manuscripts he is referring to when he shows witnesses as: Ia3.....d180ff

The ...ff indicates that he is referring ALSO to two additional manuscripts which follow d180. What are these two manuscripts?

I have actually seen people use Merk's GNT (in his introduction) to discover the identity, this gives an error. Merk does NOT follow von Soden's manuscript order.

In the chart below, for the Praxapostolos, the next two manuscripts below d180 are MSS 2127, 808. Thus, here, von Soden's apparatus shows three witnesses, MSS 1319, 2127 and 808 ( = d180ff). Not all of von Soden's MSS are listed below, but as many as could be are, each order matches his citations.

The columns with no title, are of course the equivalent modern Gregory numbers. I have no such list for the gospel manuscripts.


(Acts, Epistles)

H  Ia1  Ia3  Ib1  Ic1  K  
d1B (03)d5D (05)d156226d206242a1141852a3P (025)
d2¢ (01)d268431d157547d264536a1162138a5L (020)
d3C (04)a71874d1801319d369941a1581245a6H (014)
d4A (02)a651836d2022127d600296a2081611  
d6y (044)a701875d203808d602522a3701108  
d3566a20088d259330a161635a14362005 © GSD
a3P (025)a264917d300218a2532815    
a781739a1001E (08)d3542093a3961758Ic2    
a103104a1026D (06)d35538a398429d101506  
a1141852a1027D (06a)*d372263a4721831d2992147  
a16281a1028G (012)d454794a10050120a69221  
a257326a1029F (010)d457209  a1541867  
a10180173a10661912d50569Ib2  a169639  
a1019< 20a11001829d507241d152491a174255  
a1022H (015)pr 11307a55920d260440a203203  
a10310121- 2036a561835-2004d30935a258378  
a1034< 13- 21610a641845d361935a353383  
a10420172- 40453a106177d368823a356876  
a1044< 15  a113919d3701149a364614  
a1045< 16Ia2  a1641738a781739a466257  
O 12424d251927a1701311a157323a4681610  

* a copy of 06, a1120 is another copy of 06 (per von Soden's terminology)



H  Ia2  Ia5  Ib1  K  
d2¢ (01)d600296a542028Oa411778a1070046
d3C (04)a102059a592069a4062080  
d4A (02)a201a602033  Kc  
a3P (025)a632066a652068Ib2  a132040
a1074< 18a1578181a5002054d200922a55920
a10750169a16701894  a103104a2091872
I  Ia3  Ia6  a400628a13742027
a3P (025)a412031a522067Io1  Ko  
a10722351a492056a532055O 10250d95175
a10732329a1581209a622664O 12424d206242
a15732020    O 211862O 11314
a15762057Ia4  Ia7  a2021828O 12617
a15792016a402036a562023a404172O 1491
  a512014a501432  O 151934
Ia1  a572043a15882061Io2  a216256
a212081a5041876a159460O 30468a15792016
a222286a15802015  a10742a15822017
a31598© GSD   a111325  
a422060    a214517  

H. von Soden further categorized many of his Byzantine text-type witnesses into several sub-groups, denoted by variations of his K symbol. Some are shown above in the key for Revelation - Ko and Kc. A recent investigation of von Soden's Kr group, has greatly expanded the number of MSS falling within this group which von Soden first discovered. It is seen in the gosepl manuscripts, and according to von Soden it is not known ("unverkennbar" - page 1918, volume 3, Die Schriften des Neuen Testaments ) or as yet studied in the Pauline corpus.

Via research done on the gospel of Luke (via the IGNTP) and noted by Frederik Wisse, The Profile Method for the Classification and Evaluation of Manuscript Evidence as applied to the continuous Greek text of The Gospel of Luke, pages 92ff.; more than 200 MSS fit into this group. Bascially it is a group of Greek minuscule MSS written in (or distinctive in) the 12th century. It is identifiable by its text, its use of various liturgical apparatuses, and by certain similarities which von Soden was able to quickly note when categorizing his witnesses (such as the inclusion, or placement of John 7:53 - 8:11, -- the woman caught in adultery). This large group clearly indicates that the Byzantine scholars were (and apparently had been for some time) bringing the text of the Greek New Testament into a single standard form. I refer to this as the Byzantine Ecclesiastical Standard, and it began being formed probably in the late 9th century.

This Kr group reflects the standard, especially for scribes loyal to Constantinople and its orthodoxy. For copyists and scribes in the outlying areas (such as North Africa, Jerusalem, Alexandria, Calabria, Sicily, et cetera), some departure may be noted from the "standard" text-type. These minuscule manuscripts are usually referred to as "provincial" {i.e. outlying regions}. Recognizing a MS as provincial is a fine evaluation factor -- the provinciality of a witness-- for within these basic Byzantine text-type manuscripts will be found other readings from various sources. Some of which may be very early, some due to intentional changes, some due to dialectical alterations, some from the influence of the Latin liturgy, and some from exemplars of ancient antiquity, perhaps even the proto-Byzantine text-type! There is room for much research in each of these areas, especially in the Pauline corpus.

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